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8 December 300 AD to 8 December 599 AD

From year 17 of Diocletianus and year 16 of Maximianus and year 9 of Constantius and year 9 of Galerius, Choiak 12 to year 19 of Mauricius, Choiak 11

reign of Diocletianus

(16 November 284 AD to 30 April 305 AD)

reign of Maximianus

(1 March 286 AD to 30 April 305 AD)

reign of Galerius Maximianus

(1 March 293 AD to 4 May 311 AD)

reign of Constantius I

(1 March 293 AD to 18 July 306 AD)

reign of Maximinus Daia

(1 May 305 AD to 28 August 313 AD)

reign of Severus

(1 May 305 AD to 15 September 307 AD)

reign of Constantinus I

(20 January 307 AD to 21 May 337 AD)

reign of Licinius

(11 November 308 AD to 31 August 324 AD)

reign of Constantinus II

(1 March 317 AD to 31 March 340 AD)

reign of Crispus

(1 March 317 AD to 31 January 326 AD)

reign of Licinius II

(1 March 317 AD to 31 August 324 AD)

reign of Constantius II

(8 November 324 AD to 10 November 361 AD)

reign of Constans

(25 December 333 AD to 18 January 350 AD)

reign of Dalmatius

(18 September 335 AD to 21 May 337 AD)

reign of Gallus

(15 March 351 AD to 31 December 354 AD)

reign of Iulianus

(6 November 355 AD to 27 June 363 AD)

reign of Iovianus

(27 June 363 AD to 26 February 364 AD)

reign of Valentinianus I

(26 February 364 AD to 16 November 375 AD)

reign of Valens

(26 February 364 AD to 8 August 378 AD)

reign of Gratianus

(31 August 367 AD to 24 August 383 AD)

reign of Valentinianus II

(22 November 375 AD to 14 May 392 AD)

reign of Theodosius I

(19 January 379 AD to 16 January 395 AD)

reign of Arcadius

(19 January 383 AD to 1 May 408 AD)

reign of Honorius

(23 January 393 AD to 15 August 423 AD)

reign of Theodosius II

(10 January 402 AD to 28 July 450 AD)

reign of Constantius III

(8 February 421 AD to 2 September 421 AD)

reign of Valentinianus III

(23 October 424 AD to 16 March 455 AD)

reign of Marcianus

(25 August 450 AD to 27 January 457 AD)

reign of Leo I

(1 April 457 AD to 18 January 474 AD)

reign of Leo II

(1 November 473 AD to 31 October 474 AD)

reign of Zeno

(9 February 474 AD to 9 April 491 AD)

reign of Anastasius

(11 April 491 AD to 10 July 518 AD)

reign of Iustinus I

(10 July 518 AD to 1 August 527 AD)

reign of Iustinianus

(1 April 527 AD to 15 November 565 AD)

reign of Iustinus II

(15 November 565 AD to 5 October 578 AD)

reign of Tiberius II

(7 December 574 AD to 13 August 582 AD)

reign of Mauricius

(13 August 582 AD to 23 November 602 AD)

Constantinian dynasty (including Iovianus)

(1 January 284 AD to 31 December 364 AD)

Valentinian dynasty

(1 January 364 AD to 31 December 392 AD)

Theodosian dynasty

(1 January 379 AD to 31 December 457 AD)

Leonid dynasty

(1 January 457 AD to 31 December 527 AD)

Justinian dynasty (including Phocas)

(1 January 527 AD to 31 December 610 AD)

Byzantine period

(1 January 284 AD to 31 December 640 AD)

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29318 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
259679Supplementa Italica 8 [p. 113-138] 13AD 300 Dec 8 - 599 Dec 8stone (marble) Latin Italy, Liguria - Carreum Potentia (Chieri) [found & written]
11921P. Merton 2 88AD 300 Dec 26papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found]
8723Suppl. Mag. 1 46AD 301 beforemetal (lead) Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Haueris (Hawara) [found]
10113P. Amh. Gr. 2 83AD 301 - 307papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
17467PSI 9 1037AD 301papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
18489P. L. Bat. 25 100 descr.AD 301?papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
19255CPR 15 12AD 301 - 306papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
97223SB 26 16707AD 301papyrus Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna (El-Kharga) (?) [written]
Egypt [found]
176339Année épigraphique 1991 1510AD 301 - 317stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Sek [found & written]
177210CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1913 no. AAAD 301stone (marble) Latin Greece, Boeotia - Plataiai (Kokkla) [found & written]
190678Année épigraphique 1978 714AD 301stone Latin Bulgaria, Thracia - Odessos (Varna) [found & written]
254787CIL XIV Suppl. Ost. 1 4407AD 301 - 361stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [found & written]
275317CIL VI.1 1641AD 301 - 310 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
283946Supplementa Italica 4 [p. 11-116] 1AD 301 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Samnium - Sulmo (Sulmona) [found & written]
289660I. Aquileiae 2 2773AD 301 - 320stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Aquileia [found & written]
289662I. Aquileiae 2 2775AD 301 - 320stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Aquileia [found & written]
289863I. Aquileiae 2 2883AD 301 - 320stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Aquileia [found & written]
321638P. Columbia inv. 55 b ined.AD 301papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
341589Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. P.144AD 301stone (marble) Latin Libya, Cyrenaica - Ptolemais (Tolmeita) [found & written]
341646CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2209 no. RRAD 301stone Latin Greece, Creta - Hierapytna (Ierapetra) [found & written]
341647CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2210 no. XXAD 301stone Latin Greece, Creta - Knosos [found & written]
383816ZPE 26 (1976), p. 125-151 + ZPE 34 (1979), p. 163-210AD 301stone (marble) Greek / Latin Turkey, Phrygia - Aizanoi (Çavdarhisar) [found & written]
177093Année épigraphique 1967 455AD 301stone Latin Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
309879ICUR N.S. 7 17420AD 301 (cf. EDB)stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
382198CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1915 no. CCAD 301stone Latin Greece, Laconia - Gytheion [found & written]
382199CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2209 no. TTAD 301stone Latin Greece, Arcadia - Tegea [found & written]
383941Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 71 358 cAD 301stone Greek Turkey, Caria - Cumalı [found & written]
384165CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2209 no. SSAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Mylasa (Milas) [found & written]
384277CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1910 no. OAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Mylasa (Milas) [found & written]
384278CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1919 no. GGAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Bargylia (Varvıl) [found & written]
384279CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1924 no. MMAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Halikarnassos (Bodrum) [found & written]
384280CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1924 no. NNAD 301stone Latin Greece, Sporades - Samos [found & written]
384281Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA) 4 330AD 301stone (marble) Latin Turkey, Phrygia - Eumeneia (Işıklı) [found & written]
384282Roueché, Aphrodisias in late Antiquity 231AD 301stone (marble) Latin Turkey, Caria - Aphrodisias (Geira) [found & written]
384284CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2210 no. VVAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Herakleia Salbake (Vakıf) [found & written]
384285CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2328, 60 no. DDDAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Mylasa (Milas) [found & written]
384286CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2328, 60 no. CCCAD 301stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Mylasa (Milas) [found & written]
384699French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.5 118 (C)AD 301 - 317stone Latin Turkey, Caria - Sekköy [found & written]
407641CIL III.1 4039AD 301 - 310stone Latin Slovenia, Pannonia - Poetovio (Ptuj) [found & written]
494821Morabito, Inscriptions latines des Alpes Maritimes 321AD 301stone Latin France, Gallia - Cemenelum (Cimiez) [found & written]
544958CIL XIV 3419AD 301 - 360stone Latin Italy, Latium - Praeneste (Palestrina) [found & written]
382200CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2328, 61 no. FFFAD 301stone Greek Greece, Arcadia - Kleitor [found & written]
495125Rizakis, Achaïe 3 168AD 301stone (limestone) Greek Greece, Achaia - Aigeira (Vitrinitsa) [found & written]
495126CIL III Suppl. 2 p. 2328, 59 no. BBB + Rizakis, Achaïe 3 169AD 301stone (limestone) Greek Greece, Achaia - Aigeira (Vitrinitsa) [found & written]
570642CIL VI.1 2143AD 301 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
669684Année épigraphique 2010 1426AD 301 - 305stone Latin Romania, Thracia - Halmyris (Murighiol) [found & written]
669784Zahariade / Alexandrescu, Greek and Latin inscriptions from Halmyris 2AD 301 - 305stone? Latin Romania, Thracia - Halmyris (Murighiol) [found & written]
669785Zahariade / Alexandrescu, Greek and Latin inscriptions from Halmyris 3AD 301 - 305stone Latin Romania, Thracia - Halmyris (Murighiol) [found & written]
702519Journal of Hellenic Studies (JHS) 25 (1905), p. 260-262AD 301stone Latin Greece, Laconia - Oitylos [find place, place of writing & preservation]
705875Supplementa Italica 4 [p. 11-116] p. 35-36 no. 1*AD 301stone Greek Italy, Campania - Puteoli (Pozzuoli) (?) [written]
Italy, Samnium - Pettorano sul Gizio [found]