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1 January 710 AD to 31 December 711 AD

From , Tybi 6 to , Tybi 4

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
19803P. Lond. 4 1345AD 710 Jan 1 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 06)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19827P. Lond. 4 1371AD 710 - 711 (year Indictio 09)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
23160CPR 3.1.2 58AD 710 - 711papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt [found & written]
23235SB 1 5643AD 710 about (cf. HGV; APD: AD 709 Jan 1 - 714 Dec 12)papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) (?) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
23879SB 20 15100AD 710 Jan 1 (year Indictio 08, Tybi; APD: AD 710 Jan 1 - Dec 31; hermitage.apis.16: AD 708)papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
83477O. Crum ST 57AD 710 afterpapyrus Coptic (Sahidic dialect) Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Deir el-Bahari [found & written]
83716O. Crum ST 429AD 710 afterpottery Coptic (Sahidic dialect) Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) [found & written]
103460SB 30 17615AD 710 (Merkourios 13, year 427 (Diocletian era); Indictio 09, Choiak 18)stone (sandstone) Greek Egypt, Aethiopia - Taphis (Tafa) [found & written]
109993Staatl. Mus. Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum p. 136 no. 1177AD 710 aboutpapyrus Arabic Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
383438Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 60 14AD 710 Jan 1 - Aug 31parchment Latin Italy, Venetia - Tarvisium (Treviso) [found & written]
702493P. Ross. Georg. 4 p. 7-8 note 1AD 710 about?papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
959961Thesaurus d'Épigraphie Islamique (TEI) online 30AD 710 - 711plaster (stucco) Arabic Jordan, Arabia - Kharrana [found & written]
959962Thesaurus d'Épigraphie Islamique (TEI) online 33AD 710 - 711 beforeplaster (stucco) Arabic Jordan, Arabia - Kharrana [found & written]
959983Thesaurus d'Épigraphie Islamique (TEI) online 44014AD 710 - 711stone (marble) Arabic Egypt, L13 - Babylon (Fostat) [found & written]
19804P. Lond. 4 1346AD 710 Jan 3 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 08)papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
18868SB 3 7241AD 710 Jan 7 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 12)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
106481P. Heid. Arab. 1 2AD 710 Jan 7 - Feb 5papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
106581Journal of Near Eastern Studies (JNES) 40 (1981), p. 183-184 no. 3AD 710 Jan 7 - Feb 5papyrus Arabic Egypt, L13 - Babylon (Fostat) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
106611P. Cairo Arabic 3 147AD 710 Jan 7 - Feb 5papyrus Arabic Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
106650P. Cairo Arabic 3 153AD 710 Jan 7 - Feb 5papyrus Arabic Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19805P. Lond. 4 1347AD 710 Jan 10 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 12)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19806P. Lond. 4 1348AD 710 Jan 13 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 18)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19807P. Lond. 4 1349AD 710 Jan 14 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 19)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
20494P. Ross. Georg. 4 9AD 710 Jan 22 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 27)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
565699P. Hermitage inv. 13336 bf ined.AD 710 Jan 22papyrus? Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
20491P. Ross. Georg. 4 6AD 710 Jan 23 (year Indictio 08, Tybi 28)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
17682SB 5 7520AD 710 Jan 26 - Feb 24 (year Indictio 08, Mecheir)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
97215P. Louvre Bawit 5AD 710 Jan 28 (year Indictio 08, Mecheir 03)papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Abba Apollotos Monasterion (Bawit) [found & written]
19808P. Lond. 4 1350AD 710 Jan 29 (year Indictio 08, Mecheir 04)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19809P. Lond. 4 1351AD 710 Jan 30 (year Indictio 08, Mecheir 05)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19810P. Lond. 4 1352AD 710 Jan 30 (year Indictio 08, Mecheir 05)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19811P. Lond. 4 1353AD 710 Jan 30 (year Indictio 08, Mecheir 05)papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
20499P. Ross. Georg. 4 15AD 710 Jan 30 (year (Indictio 08), (Mecheir 05))papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
20500P. Ross. Georg. 4 16AD 710 Jan 30 (year (Indictio 08), (Mecheir 05))papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
565626P. Hermitage inv. 13342 a + 13342 bf ined.AD 710 Jan 30papyrus? Arabic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
45353Grohmann, From the world of Arabic papyri p. 124-125AD 710 Feb 5 (year 091 (Anno Hegirae), Rabi I; APD: AD 710 Jan 7 - Feb 5)papyrus Arabic Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
106696Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 20 (1907), p. 83 no. 6AD 710 Feb 6 - Mar 6papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
20490P. Ross. Georg. 4 4AD 710 Feb 14? (year Indictio 08, Mecheir 20?)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
75618O. Petrie Mus. 570AD 710 Mar 6?pottery Coptic / Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) [found & written]
106484P. Heid. Arab. 1 10AD 710 Mar 7 - Apr 5papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
16763SB 10 10456AD 710 Mar 10 (year Indictio 08, Phamenoth 14)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
16764SB 10 10457AD 710 Mar 16papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19943P. Lond. 4 1611AD 710 Mar 24 (Phamenoth 28)papyrus Coptic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19812P. Lond. 4 1354AD 710 Mar 25 (year Indictio 08, Phamenoth 29)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19813P. Lond. 4 1355AD 710 Mar 29 (year Indictio 08, Pharmouthi 03)papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19802P. Lond. 4 1344AD 710 Apr 2 after (year Indictio 08)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
20487P. Ross. Georg. 4 1AD 710 Apr 2 (year Indictio 08, Pharmouthi 07)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
106621P. Cairo Arabic 3 151AD 710 Apr 6 - May 4papyrus Arabic Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19814P. Lond. 4 1356AD 710 Apr 15 (year Indictio 08, Pharmouthi 20)papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19815P. Lond. 4 1357AD 710 Apr 30 (year Indictio 08, Pachons 05)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]