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1 January 825 AD to 31 December 875 AD

From , Tybi 6 to , Tybi 4

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/422596

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
117935Proverbio, Theonis Alexandrini fragmentum p. 379 [227] + Manuscripta Graeca et orientalia. Mélanges Paul Géhin (OLA 243) p. 469-492AD 825 - 875 (N. Atif e.a. (p. 14))parchment Syriac Israel - Palestina (?) [written]
Egypt, Sinai - Catharina Monastery [found]
169050Semitica 4 (1951-1952), p. 67-71 (= P.David-WeillMusée)AD 825 - 875papyrus Arabic Egypt (?) [found & written]
169068Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 8 (1965), p. 277-311 no. 3a (= P. David-WeillLouvre 03a)AD 825 - 875papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
169082Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 14 (1971), p. 1-24 no. 18 (= P.David-WeillLouvre 18)AD 825 - 875papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
169210Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 8 (1965), p. 277-311 no. 3b (= P. David-WeillLouvre 03b)AD 825 - 875papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
169225Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 14 (1971), p. 1-24 no. 19 (= P.David-WeillLouvre 19)AD 825 - 875papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
851633Schefers, Das Lorscher Evangeliar (Codices Vaticani selecti. SM 44)AD 825 - 850 (cf. Bisschoff: 'IX Jahrh., 2. Viertel'; others: AD 778 - 820)parchment Latin Germany, Germania - Lorsch [found & written]
870470P. Khalili 2 99 descr.AD 825 - 826papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
871320P. Ryl. Arab. 2 319 a descr.AD 825papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
970556Chronique d‘Égypte (CdE) 96 (2021), p. 170-172AD 825 - 875papyrus Coptic Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein), or region of [found & written]
39405ZPE 209 (2019), p. 242-244AD 825 Dec 25 (year 210 (Anno Hegirae), Choiak 29)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [found & written]
173207Macalister, The memorial slabs of Clonmacnois 107AD 826 - 828stone Old Irish Ireland, Hibernia - Clonmacnoise [find place, place of writing & preservation]
869812CPR 21 38AD 826papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) [found & written]
370348I. Faras Gr. 42AD 827 - 862stone (sandstone) Greek Sudan, Pachora (Faras) [found & written]
871132Chrest. Khoury 1 67AD 827papyrus Arabic Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites [found & written]
871203van Berkel e.a. (ed.), Studies Rudolph Peters p. 61-84AD 827 - 830papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [found & written]
169072Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 8 (1965), p. 277-311 no. 6b (= P. David-WeillLouvre 06 b)AD 827 Mar 4 - Apr 1papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
106814Archiv Orientalni 6 (1934), p. 377-398 no. 8 (= P. Grohmann Probleme 8)AD 827 Apr 2 - 828 Mar 21papyrus Arabic Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
141648Monferrer-Sala e.a. (ed.), East and West p. 227-228 no. 7AD 828 - 829stone (sandstone) Greek Egypt [found & written]
464302P. Berl. Arab. 1.2 5AD 828 Mar 22 - 829 Mar 10papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
85048SB Kopt. 2 1047AD 828 Jul 17 (year 212, Epeiph 23)papyrus Coptic (Sahidic dialect) Egypt [found & written]
782976IG XII.6.2 947AD 829 - 842stone? Greek Greece, Sporades - Pythagorio [found & written]
870619P. Ryl. Arab. 1 XV 49 VoAD 829 - 830papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
871141Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. Führer durch die Ausstellung 715 descr.AD 829 - 830papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) [found & written]
106842P. Marchands 5.1 19AD 829 Aug 6 - Sep 3papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
67373Lowe, CLA 9 1232AD 830 - 859 (Bischoff)parchment Latin France, Gallia - Saint-Vaast (?) [written]
101977SB Kopt. 2 1163AD 830 - 849 (Phaophi 02)stone (limestone) Coptic Egypt, L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Monastery of Apa Ieremias [found & written]
869884CPR 3.1.2 150AD 832 - 834papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
870443CPR 21 8AD 832papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
968565SEG 64 1855AD 832 about?stone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Rihab [found & written]
106810Archiv Orientalni 6 (1934), p. 377-398 no. 12 (= P. Grohmann Probleme 12)AD 832 Jan 24papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
106589P. Cairo Arabic 2 144AD 832 Feb 7 - 835 Jan 4papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
141734Wiet, Catalogue général du Musée arabe du Caire. Stèles funéraires 9 p. 73 no. 3314AD 832 Oct 20stone (sandstone) Arabic Egypt, Aethiopia - Taphis (Tafa) [found & written]
85394Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 31 (1994), p. 141-145 no. 1AD 833papyrus Coptic (Sahidic dialect) Egypt, U15 - Abba Apollotos Monasterion (Bawit) [found & written]
101853SB Kopt. 1 786AD 833 - 834? (year Indictio 04)stone (limestone) Coptic Egypt [found & written]
870326P. Ryl. Arab. 2 31 Vo descr.AD 833papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
871269CPR 21 40AD 833papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
495529Annales islamologiques 14 (1978), p. 1-14 no. 2AD 833 Dec 18 - 837 Aug 6papyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
869957CPR 3.1.2 151AD 834 - 844papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
870193CPR 3.1.2 152AD 834 - 844papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
870764Annales islamologiques 48 (2014), p. 135-165AD 834papyrus Arabic Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [found & written]
871577CPR 3.1.2 157AD 834 - 844papyrus Arabic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
18796P. Strasb. Gr. 5 397AD 834 Jun 2?papyrus Coptic / Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
870482Chrest. Khoury 1 68AD 835papyrus Arabic Egypt [found & written]
18796P. Strasb. Gr. 5 397AD 835 Jun 2?papyrus Coptic / Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
141685Deptuła, Liturgical poetry in christian Nubia. The Lower Church at Banganarti 12AD 836 after?stone Greek Sudan, Banganarti [find place, place of writing & preservation]
106529Chronique d‘Égypte (CdE) 90 (2015), p. 423-427AD 836 Feb - Aprpapyrus Arabic / Greek Egypt [found & written]
115163Oriens christianus N.S. 91 (2007), p. 19 no. 51 descr. + Le Muséon 81 (1968), p. 139-154AD 837parchment Syriac Turkey, Syria - Edessa (Şanlıurfa) (?) [written]
Egypt, Sinai - Catharina Monastery [found]
173183Macalister, The memorial slabs of Clonmacnois 75AD 837 - 838stone Latin Ireland, Hibernia - Clonmacnoise [find place, place of writing & preservation]
901162SB Kopt. 4 1956AD 837 Mar 7stone (marble) Coptic Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) [found & written]