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Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana

Biblioteca Vallicelliana
Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, 18
00186 Roma

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More information about this collection.

Stable URI (with TM Coll ID): www.trismegistos.org/collection/771

7 inventory number(s) (limited to -800 to 800) undo date limitation

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TM number Collection Material Language Century Publication
TM 66164 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana B 38 (fol. 1-2, 37-106, 108-116) parchment Latin AD07 Lowe, CLA 1 67
TM 66537 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana B 38 I (fol. 1-34) parchment Latin AD07 Lowe, CLA 4 431
TM 66538 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana B 38 II (fol. 113) parchment Latin AD06 - AD07 Lowe, CLA 4 432
TM 66539 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana B 62 parchment Latin AD08 Lowe, CLA 4 433
TM 69088 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana C 34 (fol. 1-24) (olim fol. 442-465) parchment Greek AD08 Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania 66 (1999), p. 51-85 + Assemanus, Ephraem Syri opera omnia quae extant Graece, Syriace, Latine in se tomos distributae 1 2D 6 - 3D 5 & 5E 3 - 6D 7 + Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia 5 (1931), p. 465-469 descr.
TM 66540 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana R 32 parchment Latin AD08 Lowe, CLA 4 434
TM 66541 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana TOM. X parchment Latin AD07 Lowe, CLA 4 435


- A, number 14
- B, numbers from 25 till 62
- C, number 34
- R, number 32
- TOM, number X





