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TM number: 55907

Through a cooperation between the project "A Codicological and Sociolinguistical Study of Literary and Subliterary Texts in Ancient Egypt" (Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders; Mark Depauw), the DAHT and the Leuven Database of Ancient Books, further information can be found at the website of the LDAB for this entry; click here.

Thissen, Der verkommene Harfenspieler p. 68-76 + Studies Lichtheim 2 p. 991-993 descr.
= Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (ZÄS) 26 (1888), p. 4-44
= Revue égyptologique 3 (1883-1885), p. 99 & pl. 2-6
= Revue égyptologique N.S. 1 (1919), p. 144-147


  1. Lüddeckens, Gs. Otto, 1977, p. 325-348, esp. p. 333-337 (Transcription and translation)
  2. Thissen, in: ZPE 77 (1989), p. 227-240, esp. p. 227-240 (philological notes)
  3. Thissen, Studies Lichtheim, 1990, p. 980-993, esp. p. 980-993 (philological and lexicographical notes)
  4. Brunsch, in: GM 155 (1996), p. 7-13, esp. p. 7-13 (on a parallel text)
  5. Collombert, in: Égypte 29 (2003), p. 29-40, esp. p. 29-40 (translation and notes)
  6. Krall, in: RecTrav 5 (1884), p. 76-85, esp. (translation and commentary on col. 3/11 - 4/16)