DemLü: search results

Number of results matching your search: 4

DL 34.76
DL 32.26Dijkstra, J., Structuring Graffiti: the Case of the Temple of Isis at Aswan, in: Preys, R. (ed.): 7. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Structuring Religion, Leuven 28. September – 1. Oktober 2005 (Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft Früher Hochkulturen 3,2), 2009, p. 77-93.
DL 31.41Dijkstra, J., Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion. A Regional Study of Religious Transformation (298-642 CE). (OLA 173), 2008.
DL 30.38Dijkstra, J., The Town of Syene. Report on the 3rd and 4th Season in Aswan. III. Reuse of the Isis Temple in Late Antiquity and Later Times, in: MDAIK 62 (2006), p. 228-238.