Egypt, 00a - Haueris (Hawara)

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TM 40749 Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 151-164 no. 16 A London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 115 Ro papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 971585 Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 162-164 no. 16 B London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 115 Vo papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 40468 Aegyptus 94 (2014), p. 69-72 no. 4 Ro New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 18 qua Ro papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 703072 Aegyptus 94 (2014), p. 72-74 no. 4 Vo New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 18 qua Vo papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 26062 Aegyptus 98 (2018), p. 131-139 no. 1 New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 17 Vo papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 832139 Aegyptus 98 (2018), p. 139-142 no. 2 New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 17 Ro papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 63301 American Journal of Philology (AJPh) 19 (1898), p. 25-39 Chicago, Field Museum (P. Ayer) papyrus Greek AD01 - AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 60205 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 379 no. 59 London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 59 papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 63327 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 379-380 no. 16 London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 16 papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 8658 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 380 no. 14 descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 14 papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 63056 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 380 no. 17 London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 17 papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 63057 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 380 no. 20 London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 20 papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 8659 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 380 no. 28 Ro descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 28 Ro papyrus Greek BC01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 11462 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 380 no. 28 Vo descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 28 Vo papyrus Greek BC01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 977265 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 381 no. 42 Vo London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 42 Ro papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 8664 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 382 no. 66 descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 66 papyrus Greek AD01 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 92035 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 383-384 no. 73 Ro descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 73 Ro papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 8687 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 392 no. 254-256 Ro descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 254 - 256 Ro papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 11461 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 392 no. 254-256 Vo descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 254 - 256 Vo papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 11461 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 392 no. 254-256 Vo descr. London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 254 - 256 Vo papyrus Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [written]
TM 63590 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 393 & 397 no. 312 London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 312 papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 115767 Aubert / Cortopassi, Portraits funéraires de l'Égypte romaine 2 p. 61 no. V & p. 115-120 no. 15 Paris, Louvre E 13044 wood Greek AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 143347 Bailey (ed.), Archaeological research in Roman Egypt (JRA Suppl. 19) p. 182 no. 3 London, University College, Petrie Museum UC 19611 wood Greek AD01 - AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 9228 BGU 2 543 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 8358 papyrus Greek BC01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 989134 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 60 (2023), p. 35-40 no. 1 Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 15161 papyrus Demotic BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [written]
TM 989135 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 60 (2023), p. 40-43 no. 2 Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 15162 papyrus Demotic BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [written]
TM 989136 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 60 (2023), p. 43-47 no. 3 Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 402 papyrus Demotic BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [written]
TM 989137 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 60 (2023), p. 47-52 no. 4 Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 411 + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 412 papyrus Demotic BC03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [written]
TM 7997 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 60 (2023), p. 52-55 no. 5 Berkeley, Bancroft Library P. Tebt. 982 papyrus Demotic / Greek BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [written]
TM 63268 Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 4 239 London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 19 papyrus Latin AD01 - AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 62577 Corpus dei papiri filosofici (CPF) 80 p. 57-60 [Plato 9] London, University College, Dept. of Greek and Latin P. 28 papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 2654 Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B] Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1968-07 [A-B] + Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1968-08 [A-B] + Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1968-11 [A-B] papyrus Demotic BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 121894 Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [C-F] Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1968-07 [C-F] + Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1968-08 [C-F] + Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1968-11 [C-F] papyrus Demotic BC01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 703299 Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian coffins, masks and portraits (CGC) 33221 (p. 81-82) Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 33221 plaster (stucco) Greek AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 171827 Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian coffins, masks and portraits (CGC) p. 13-14 n. 1 Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 33126 metal (lead) Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 131551 Enchoria 17 (1990), p. 37 [GRA 88,9-20,72-78] descr. London, British Museum Greek and Roman Dept. 88,9.20.72-78 wood Greek AD03 - AD04 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 41608 Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 135 + P. Cairo 3 50130 Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 50130 papyrus Demotic BC03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 63209 Genethliacon. Festschrift C. Robert p. 191-225 papyrus Greek AD01 - AD02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found]
TM 382613 Germer e.a., Berliner Mumiengeschichten p. 145 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung ÄM 19722 plaster (cartonnage) Greek BC04 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 6322 I. Fayoum 1 33 stone (granite) Greek BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 8623 I. Fayoum 1 34 London, British Museum Eg. Dept. 1888-9-20: 6 stone (limestone) Greek BC01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8624 I. Fayoum 1 35 Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum E 64 / 1911 stone (limestone) Greek BC01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 6581 I. Fayoum 1 36 Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 9231 stone (limestone) Greek BC02 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8625 I. Fayoum 1 37 London, British Museum Eg. Dept. 1888-9-20: 9 stone Greek BC03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8626 I. Fayoum 1 38 Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum number unknown stone (limestone) Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8627 I. Fayoum 1 39 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung ÄM 11416 stone (limestone) Greek AD01 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8628 I. Fayoum 1 40 Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 19792 stone (marble) Greek BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8629 I. Fayoum 1 41 Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina 477 stone (limestone) Greek BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8630 I. Fayoum 1 42 Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum 159 stone (limestone) Greek BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]
TM 8631 I. Fayoum 1 43 London, British Museum Eg. Dept. 1888-9-20: 5 stone (limestone) Greek BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Haueris (Hawara): [found & written]