In lacum Genesareth et in S. Petrum Apostolum

Type: homily

Comment: title shared by several items


Relation to Chrysostom is spurious; Montfaucon (PG 64: 9-10, # XIII)
Other authors:
Leontius of Constantinople (authentic); cf. Sachot 1981: 476; Voicu 2001: 188, # 19
Timotheus of Jerusalem (spurious); cf. pace Joseph Paramelle (from CPG); doubtful: Datema - Allen 1986: 179-180
Proclus of Constantinople (spurious); cf. pace Marx 1940: 74, # 84

Language version


  • Homilia in lacum Genesareth et in S. Petrum Apostolum
  • In stagnum Genesareth et in sanctum Petrum apostolum
  • In lacum Genesareth et in S. Petrum Apostolum


  • CPG 7900.7
  • CPG 4704
  • Aldama 343
  • BHG 1488a


  • Peter, apostle

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