Language record 786

This is the Greek version of In Acta Apostolorum homilia 54 (Item ID 786)


  • Publication: PG
  • Volume: 60
  • Page: 373, 30-380, 6


Πῶς παρεῖχον τὴν φιλανθρωπίαν οἱ βάρβαροιPG
Παρεῖχόν φησιν, οὐ τὴν τυχοῦσαν φιλανθρωπίαν οἱ βάρβαροιmanuscripts; cf. PG 60: 373, fn. a


ἑαυτῶν τὴν διάνοιαν, ἵνα καὶ τὰ παρόντα κούφως ἐνέγκωμεν, καὶ τῶν μελλόντων ἐπιτυχεῖν ἀγαθῶν καταξιωθῶμεν, χάριτι…PG
διάνοιαν, ἐπιτυχεῖν τούτων ἀξιωθῶμεν, χάριτι…manuscripts
ἐπιτύχωμεν ἀγαθῶν· χάριτι…manuscripts

Used as Source for other text(s) ('Source')

    • PG 60 373, 30-376, 39
    • In Acta Apostolorum homilia 54, epitoma exegetica
      Click here for this language record.
    • PG 60 376, 33-380, 6
    • In Acta Apostolorum homilia 54, ethicon
      Click here for this language record.
    • PG 60 376, 39-380, 2
    • Quod nemo nobis nocere possit, nisi nobis ipsis noceamus
      Click here for this language record.
    • PG 60 376, 25-380, 6
    • In Acta Apostolorum homilia 54, ethicon
      Click here for this language record.

Other text(s) used as Source ('Target')

Not currently known to have other texts from the corpus as source.

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