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1 January 610 BC to 31 December 594 BC

From year 54 of Psammetichus I, Mesore 14 to year 2 of Psammetichus II, Mesore 17

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/-101173

119 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
90156Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 4.2 no. 60.257BC 610 - 595? (Necho 2?)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn) (?) [found & written]
90256Porter-Moss (PM) 8.2 p. 822 no. 801-748-600BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone (basalt) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L01 - Memphis (?) [found & written]
90397Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 4.1 no. 54.79BC 610 - 594stone (basalt) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
90524Porter-Moss (PM) 8.2 p. 924 no. 801-768-410BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
90543Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten (CGC) 3 928BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
109442Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 4.2 no. 60.561BC 610 - 600 about ((Necho 2?))stone (greywacke) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Karnak, cachette [found & written]
109653Wiese, Antikenmuseum Basel p. 168 no. 118BC 610 - 595stone (steatite) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
109671Lacovara / Teasley-Trope, The collector's eye p. 46-47 no. 21BC 610 - 594 (Necho 2)stone (greywacke) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
110304Steindorff, Catalogue Egyptian sculpture Walters Art Gallery 260BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone (limestone) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L - Lower Egypt [found & written]
112032Bothmer, Egyptian sculpture of the Late Period (Brooklyn Museum) p. 50-51 no. 43 & pl. 40BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)metal (bronze) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
112155Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 4.1 no. 54.80BC 610 - 594 ((Necho 2))stone (black) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L01 - Memphis (?) [found & written]
115753De Meulenaere, Mendes II p. 197 no. 45 descr.BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub’a) (?) [found & written]
115754Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica (OLP) 12 (1981), p. 127 no. 3.3 descr.BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone Hieroglyphic Egypt, L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub’a) [found & written]
145784Meiser e.a., Etruskische Texte. Editio minor (ET2) no. Ve 3.2BC 610 - 600 (cf. EDR)pottery Etruscan Italy, Etruria - Veii [found & written]
701438Cachette de Karnak (online) 293 (see link below)BC 610 - 595stone (limestone) Hieroglyphic? Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Karnak, cachette [found & written]
701762Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 4.1 no. 54.84BC 610 - 595stone (granite, black) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Karnak, cachette [found & written]
702191Cachette de Karnak (online) 1205 (see link below)BC 610 - 595stone (steatite) Hieroglyphic? Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Karnak, cachette [found & written]
702666Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 4.1 no. 54.91BC 610 - 594metal (bronze) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
706207Revue d‘Égyptologie (RdE) 67 (2017), p. 77-130BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
747587NaBuCCo (online) 25579BC 610 (Nabopolassar; more precise conversion possible)clay Akkadian (Neo-Babylonian) Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) [written]
Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) (?) [found]
747702NaBuCCo (online) 25327BC 610 (Nabopolassar)clay Akkadian (Neo-Babylonian) Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) [written]
Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) (?) [found]
970709Couyat / Montet, Les inscriptions hieroglyphiques et hieratiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât (MIFAO 34) 97BC 610 - 595 (Necho 2)stone Hieroglyphic Egypt, Eastern desert - Wadi Hammamat [found & written]
747734NaBuCCo (online) 25285BC 609 (Nabopolassar)clay Akkadian (Neo-Babylonian) Iraq, Mesopotamia - Babylonia [written]
Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) (?) [found]
46146Studies Demarée p. 49BC 609 Jun 20 (Necho 2, year 02, Choiak 30)papyrus Abnormal Hieratic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
745598NaBuCCo (online) 25342BC 605 (Nabopolassar)clay Akkadian (Neo-Babylonian) Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) [written]
Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) (?) [found]
747909NaBuCCo (online) 25267BC 605 (Nabopolassar)clay Akkadian (Neo-Babylonian) Iraq, Mesopotamia - Babylonia [written]
Iraq, Mesopotamia - Borsippa (Birs Nimrud) (?) [found]
869477O. Arad Hebrew 1BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869478O. Arad Hebrew 2BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869479O. Arad Hebrew 3BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869480O. Arad Hebrew 4BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869481O. Arad Hebrew 5BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869482O. Arad Hebrew 6BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869483O. Arad Hebrew 7BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869484O. Arad Hebrew 8BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869485O. Arad Hebrew 9BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869486O. Arad Hebrew 10BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869487O. Arad Hebrew 11BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869488O. Arad Hebrew 12BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869489O. Arad Hebrew 13BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869490O. Arad Hebrew 14BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869491O. Arad Hebrew 15BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869492O. Arad Hebrew 16BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869493O. Arad Hebrew 17BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869494O. Arad Hebrew 18BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869495O. Arad Hebrew 19BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869496O. Arad Hebrew 20BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869497O. Arad Hebrew 21BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869498O. Arad Hebrew 22BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869499O. Arad Hebrew 23BC 605 - 595pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869500O. Arad Hebrew 24BC 605 - 595?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]