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1 January 40 BC to 31 December 1 AD

From year 12 of Cleopatra VII, Tybi 2 to year 31 of Augustus, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/107020

3494 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
48041IG II-III(2).2.2 1961BC 40 aboutstone (marble) Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
90613Walker / Higgs (ed.), Cleopatra of Egypt. From history to myth p. 182-183 no. 190BC 40 - 30stone (basalt) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L00 - Alexandria, Kom el-Damas [found & written]
113152Archaeology 8 (1955), p. 256-259BC 40 - 30 aboutstone Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [found & written]
113155Vollenweider, Die Steinschneidekunst p. 73 n. 54 & pl. 63 no. 4BC 40 - 30 aboutstone (gem) Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [found & written]
121819Année épigraphique 1992 1520BC 40 - 31stone Greek Greece, Macedonia - Europos [found & written]
121824Hatzopoulos / Loukopoulou, Recherches sur les marches orientales (Meletemata 11) 1 p. 44-48 no. A2BC 40stone Greek Greece, Macedonia - Anthemous (Galatista) [found & written]
178229I. Olympia 913BC 40 - 38stone Latin Greece, Elis - Olympia [found & written]
215996CIL I(2).2.4 3469BC 40 - 1stone Latin Austria, Noricum - Magdalensberg [found & written]
219145Recueil des inscriptions gauloises (RIG) 2.2 p. 213 no. L-81aBC 40 - 30pottery Gaulish France, Gallia - Rodumna (Roanne) [found & written]
219684Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) BI·4BC 40 - 30stone Lepontic? Italy, Transpadana - Cerrione [found & written]
244747Quarant'anni di ricerche archeologiche in Pietrelcina p. 31-BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Pietrelcina [found & written]
244783CIL IX 2115BC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Sant'Angelo a Cupolo [found & written]
244870Année épigraphique 1968 137BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Beneventum (Benevento) [found & written]
244917Année épigraphique 1972 93BC 40 - 20 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Tarentum (Taranto) [found & written]
244982Supplementa Italica 24 [p. 13-48] 1BC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Sipontum (Siponto) [found & written]
245459Année épigraphique 1988 396BC 40 - 1 (cf. EDR)stone (limestone) Latin Italy, Samnium - Fontana la Spina [found & written]
245900CIL IX 402BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Canusium (Canosa) [found & written]
246464CIL IX 1615BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Beneventum (Benevento) [found & written]
246631CIL IX 1624BC 40 - 10stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Beneventum (Benevento) [found & written]
246642CIL I(2).2.1 1738BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Beneventum (Benevento) [found & written]
246669CIL IX 1610BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Beneventum (Benevento) [found & written]
246759Notizie degli scavi di antichità (NSA) (1894), p. 66 no. 36BC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Tarentum (Taranto) [found & written]
246760Ephemeris Epigraphica 8 [p. 1-221] 55 aBC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Tarentum (Taranto) [found & written]
247028CIL I(2).2.4 3149BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Lucania - Paestum (Capaccio) [found & written]
247038Année épigraphique 1975 247BC 40 - 1 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Lucania - Paestum (Capaccio) [found & written]
247280Année épigraphique 2009 264BC 40 - 10stone Latin Italy, Lucania - Numistro (Muro Lucano) [found & written]
247339Inscriptiones Italiae III.1 207BC 40 - AD 1stone Latin Italy, Lucania - Cosilinum (Padula) [found & written]
247463Inscriptiones Italiae III.1 212BC 40 - 10stone Latin Italy, Lucania - Cosilinum (Padula) [found & written]
247613Année épigraphique 1927 112BC 40 - 1 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Etruria - Perusia (Perugia) [found & written]
250194Notizie degli scavi di antichità (NSA) (1926), p. 235BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Nea Polis (Napoli) [found & written]
250195Notizie degli scavi di antichità (NSA) (1926), p. 235-BC 40 - 1stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Nea Polis (Napoli) [found & written]
251058Année épigraphique 1982 149BC 40 - 25 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Minturnae (Minturno) [found & written]
251427Année épigraphique 1986 154BC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Campania - Suessa Aurunca (Sessa Aurunca) [found & written]
251523Ephemeris Epigraphica 8 [p. 1-221] 538BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Calvi Risorta [found & written]
251845Année épigraphique 1990 180 aBC 40 - 20 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
251846Année épigraphique 1990 180 bBC 40 - 20 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
251847Année épigraphique 1990 180 cBC 40 - 20 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
252283CIL X.1 3854BC 40stone Latin Italy, Campania - Casilinum (Capua) [found & written]
252313CIL X.1 3887BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Curti [found & written]
253507Année épigraphique 1991 448BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Angri [found & written]
253510Année épigraphique 1991 451BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Scafati [found & written]
253512Année épigraphique 1991 453BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Sarno [found & written]
254036CIL X.1 2832BC 40 - 1stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Cumae (Cuma) [found & written]
254224Supplementa Italica 25 [p. 11-70] 24BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Liternum (Literno) [found & written]
254239CIL X.1 4616BC 40 - 12stone? Latin Italy, Campania - Cubulteria (Alvignano) [found & written]
254302Année épigraphique 1993 493BC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Campania - Teanum Sidicinum (Teano) [found & written]
254445CIL X.1 1214BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Abella (Avella) [found & written]
254453Fides, humanitas, ius. Studi in onore di L. Labruna p. 5326- no. 7BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Campania - Abella (Avella) [found & written]
254557Colonna, Scoperte di antichità in Napoli dal 1876 a tutto il 1897 p. 448BC 40 - 20stone Latin Italy, Campania - Cumae (Cuma) [written]
Italy, Campania - Nea Polis (Napoli) [found]
254570CIL IX 2376BC 40 - 1stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Gioia Sannitica [found & written]