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1 January 74 AD to 30 June 74 AD

From year 6 of Vespasianus, Tybi 6 to year 6 of Vespasianus, Epeiph 6

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/148293

31 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
880979Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. M.238AD 74 Jan 1 - Jun 30stone? Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Ras el-Hilal [found & written]
880980Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. M.232AD 74 Jan - Junstone? Greek / Latin Libya, Cyrenaica - Ruus el-Ashlab [found & written]
21003P. Masada 743AD 74 Feb - Mar beforewood Greek Israel, Palestina - Masada (El-Sebbe) [found & written]
21004P. Masada 744AD 74 Feb - Mar beforepapyrus Greek Israel, Palestina - Masada (El-Sebbe) [found & written]
21005P. Masada 745AD 74 Feb - Mar beforepapyrus Greek Israel, Palestina - Masada (El-Sebbe) [found & written]
21006P. Masada 746AD 74 Feb - Mar beforepapyrus Greek Israel, Palestina - Masada (El-Sebbe) [found & written]
21007P. Masada 747AD 74 Feb - Mar beforepapyrus Greek Israel, Palestina - Masada (El-Sebbe) [found & written]
983666Life in a multi-cultural society p. 203 no. 14 descr.AD 74 Feb 11 (Vespasianus, year 06, Mecheir 17)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
71128O. Bodl. 2 427AD 74 Feb 21 (Vespasianus, year 06, Mecheir 27)pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [found & written]
74391O. Edfou 3 415AD 74 Feb 28pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
78493Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 57 (2020), p. 394-396AD 74 Mar - Jun?papyrus Greek / Latin Israel, Palestina - Masada (El-Sebbe) [found & written]
47011O. Edfou 1 71AD 74 Mar 23 (year 06, Phamenoth 27)pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
80530O. Heid. 324AD 74 Mar 27 - Apr 25 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pharmouthi)pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Peri Thebas [found & written]
75720O. Strasb. 1 120AD 74 Mar 31pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
11629Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 57 (2020), p. 20-26 no. 1AD 74 Apr 6 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pharmouthi 11)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
24376O. Brux. 11 (p. 24)AD 74 Apr 15 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pharmouthi 20)pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [found & written]
75721O. Strasb. 1 121AD 74 Apr 15pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
75252O. Ont. Mus. 2 231AD 74 Apr 19pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
46958O. Edfou 1 18AD 74 Apr 20 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pharmouthi 25)pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
46957O. Edfou 1 17AD 74 Apr 25 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pharmouthi 30)pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
46994O. Edfou 1 54AD 74 Apr 25 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pharmouthi 30)pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
76605O. Wilcken 2 25AD 74 May 3pottery Greek Egypt, U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) (?) [found & written]
983668Life in a multi-cultural society p. 203 no. 16 descr.AD 74 May 17 (Vespasianus, year 06, Germanikeios = Pachons 22)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
983669Life in a multi-cultural society p. 203 no. 17 descr.AD 74 May 18 (Vespasianus, year 06, Germanikeios = Pachons 23)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
410136CIL XVI 20AD 74 May 21metal (bronze) Latin Germany (?) [written]
Hungary, Pannonia - Sikator [found]
71190O. Bodl. 2 492AD 74 May 25? (Vespasianus, year 06, Pachons 30)pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [found & written]
11893P. Mil. 1.2 57AD 74 May 26 before (Vespasianus, year 06, [ ]; cf. BL 8, p. 207)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
47067O. Edfou 1 126AD 74 May 27 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pauni 02)pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
11377P. Hamb. 1 3AD 74 Jun 24papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
77253O. Wilcken 2 775AD 74 Jun 24 (Vespasianus, year 06, Pauni 30)pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
78432P. Köln Gr. 9 375AD 74 Jun 27?pottery Greek Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]