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1 January 81 AD to 31 December 100 AD

From year 3 of Titus, Tybi 6 to year 4 of Traianus, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/150850

2585 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
8687Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 392 no. 254-256 Ro descr.AD 81 after (Titus, year 03; cf. Willy Clarysse (personal communication))papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Haueris (Hawara) [found]
9622BGU 11 2121AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus, year [ ], Kaisareios 13 (Aug 06))papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
9695BGU 13 2294AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus, Phaophi)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
9746BGU 15 2478AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
9852CPR 1 236AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
11461Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 5 (1913), p. 392 no. 254-256 Vo descr.AD 81 after (cf. Willy Clarysse (personal communication))papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Haueris (Hawara) (?) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Haueris (Hawara) [found]
12884P. Ross. Georg. 2 14AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
12986SB 28 16906AD 81 - 96 (Tybi)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
12993P. Ryl. Gr. 2 344 descr.AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Philopator alias Theogenous [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
13238P. Strasb. Gr. 9 806AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) (?) [found & written]
13240P. Strasb. Gr. 9 889AD 81 - 96? ([Domitianus?]; cf. Pylon 1 (2022) [Reiter], § 6)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
15628P. Oxy. 49 3466AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
18271SB 18 13102AD 81 - 95 ((Nov 05 or 06))papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
18273P. Daris 14AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
18869SB 3 7258AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus 16 (Oct 13 or 14))papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
19978P. Lond. 2 p. XXVII no. 284 descr.AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
20453P. Oxy. 4 795 descr.AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20536P. Oxy. 2 265AD 81 - 96 ((Aug 24-28))papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20577SB 30 17786AD 81 - 83 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20604P. Oxy. 2 395 descr.AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
21429P. Mil. Vogl. 4 235AD 81 - 98?papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
21730P. Oxy. 8 1105AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
23703SB 20 14261AD 81 - 96 ((Mar 30))pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim) [found & written]
24247O. Eleph. DAIK 72AD 81 - 96pottery Greek Egypt, U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) [found & written]
41586SB 24 16314AD 81 - 95 (Domitianus, Choiak 01 - 10, 20 or 30)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Polydeukeia [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
44528I. Fayoum 3 148 aAD 81 - 96? (Domitianus?)stone (marble) Greek Egypt, 00c - Talithis (Kom Talit) [found & written]
46331P. Strasb. Dem. p. 47 no. 11 [Demotic] descr.AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [found & written]
69867Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 48 p. 7-11AD 81 - 90papyrus Latin Egypt [found & written]
71863O. Bodl. 2 1179AD 81?pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
73855O. Deiss. 40AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes (?) [found & written]
75715O. Strasb. 1 115AD 81 - 96pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
81251I. Koptos à Kosseir 52AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)stone Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Wadi Hammamat [find place, place of writing & preservation]
81262I. Koptos à Kosseir 61AD 81 - 96?stone Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Wadi Hammamat [find place, place of writing & preservation]
81267I. Koptos à Kosseir 66AD 81 - 96stone Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Wadi Hammamat [find place, place of writing & preservation]
81588I. Pan du désert 23AD 81 - 96? ((Domitianus?); cf. I. Pan du désert 23: 'd'après le martlage ... le texte date peut-être de Domitien')stone (limestone) Latin Egypt, Eastern desert - El-Heita [find place, place of writing & preservation]
93239I. Colosse de Memnon 84AD 81 (Pharmouthi 11)stone Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Colossi of Memnon [find place, place of writing & preservation]
93790SB 1 1543AD 81 - 96? (Domitianus?)stone Greek Egypt, U03 - Asphynis (Asfun) (?) [found & written]
100238P. Dime 2 20AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
102692I. Fayoum 3 148 bAD 81 - 96 (Domitianus, year [ ])stone Greek Egypt, 00c - Talithis (Kom Talit) [found & written]
102744SB 1 1016AD 81stone Greek Egypt, Aethiopia - Talmis (Kalabsha) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
103641SB 1 4571AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)stone Greek Egypt, Aethiopia - Talmis (Kalabsha) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
100238P. Dime 2 20AD 81 - 96 ((Domitianus), Hathyr 28 or 22 (Nov 24 or 25 or Nov 18 or 19)?; cf. P. Dime 2, p. 88)papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
100238P. Dime 2 20AD 81 - 96 ((Domitianus), Choiak 15 (Dec 11 or 12))papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
100238P. Dime 2 20AD 81 - 96 ((Domitianus), Tybi [ ] (Dec 27 or 28 - Jan 25 or 26))papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
125180Alföldy, Römische Statuen in Venetia et Histria 219AD 81 - 96stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Verona [found & written]
128892P. Oxy. 75 5051AD 81 - 100papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
142614P. Lund inv. 222 ined.AD 81 - 96papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
144236P. Monts. Roca 4 67AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
144624O. Did. 58AD 81 - 96 (Domitianus)pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Didymoi (Khashm el-Menih) [found & written]
156881RIB 2.1 2404 (61)AD 81metal (lead) Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Nidderdale [found & written]