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1 January 151 AD to 31 December 212 AD

From year 14 of Antoninus Pius, Tybi 6 to year 21 of Caracalla, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/176417

15555 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 312

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
9401BGU 3 889 RoAD 151 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found]
18822SB 3 6304AD 151 about ((Oct 02 or 03); cf. Degrassi, Fasti consolari, p. 43)wood Latin Italy, Aemilia - Ravenna [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
73736O. Claud. 3 553AD 151 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
96181I. Syr. 1501AD 151stone Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Valley of the Kings [find place, place of writing & preservation]
99771P. Cairo Cat. 10430 descr.AD 151 (Antoninus Pius, year 14)papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
106061I. Musée d'Alexandrie 69AD 151 (Antoninus Pius cos 4)stone (limestone) Latin Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Luxor [found & written]
14948SB 20 15133 VoAD 151 - 153 (Antoninus Pius, year 16; Ro l. 32-34: AD 151-153; Vo (1): AD 154 Feb 24; Vo (2): AD 152 Sep 27; Vo (3): AD 151 - 153; Vo (4): AD 151-153; Vo (5): AD 153 Sep 27)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Dionysias (Qasr Qarun) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
14948SB 20 15133 VoAD 151 - 153 (Antoninus Pius, year 16; Ro l. 32-34: AD 151-153; Vo (1): AD 154 Feb 24; Vo (2): AD 152 Sep 27; Vo (3): AD 151 - 153; Vo (4): AD 151-153; Vo (5): AD 153 Sep 27)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Dionysias (Qasr Qarun) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
14948SB 20 15133 VoAD 151 - 153 (Antoninus Pius, year 16; Ro l. 32-34: AD 151-153; Vo (1): AD 154 Feb 24; Vo (2): AD 152 Sep 27; Vo (3): AD 151 - 153; Vo (4): AD 151-153; Vo (5): AD 153 Sep 27)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Dionysias (Qasr Qarun) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
125785CIL V.1 1971AD 151 - 193stone (marble) Latin Italy, Venetia - Opitergium (Oderzo) [found & written]
176750CIL III Suppl. 2 13618AD 151stone Latin Turkey, Cilicia - Hierapolis Castabala (Bodrum Kalesi) [found & written]
191356Année épigraphique 2000 1268AD 151 - 152stone (marble) Latin Bulgaria, Thracia - Nevsha [found & written]
193920Roman military diplomas (RMD) 5 405AD 151 aboutmetal (bronze) Latin Bulgaria, Moesia Inferior (?) [written]
Serbia, Moesia - Čair [found]
200977Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 110 no. 36AD 151 - 161stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Cirta (Constantine) [found & written]
204711Année épigraphique 1985 876 cAD 151 - 152stone (limestone) Latin Algeria, Numidia - Thamugadi (Timgad) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
204712Année épigraphique 1985 876 bAD 151 - 152stone (limestone) Latin Algeria, Numidia - Thamugadi (Timgad) [found & written]
204713Année épigraphique 1985 876 dAD 151 - 152stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Thamugadi (Timgad) [found & written]
205702Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 151 no. 30 cAD 151 - 152stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
205703Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 151 no. 30 fAD 151 - 152stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Thamugadi (Timgad) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
205704Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 151 no. 30 hAD 151 - 152stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
209962Année épigraphique 1987 782AD 151stone Latin Germany, Gallia - Mogontiacum (Mainz) [found & written]
210069Année épigraphique 1965 239AD 151 - 161stone Latin Germany, Gallia - Mogontiacum (Mainz) [found & written]
217762Roman military diplomas (RMD) 5 432AD 151 - 161 aboutmetal (bronze) Latin Provenance unknown [found & written]
254887CIL XIV Suppl. Ost. 1 4459AD 151 - 193stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [find place, place of writing & preservation]
257556Colons et colonies dans le monde romain. Actes de la XVe Rencontre épigraphique p. 305-AD 151 - 210stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Puteoli (Pozzuoli) [found & written]
268849Speidel, Die Denkmäler der Kaiserreiter 159AD 151 - 193stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272318CIL VI.1 2611AD 151 - 190stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272329CIL VI.1 952 bAD 151 - 152stone (travertine) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272499CIL VI.1 1010AD 151stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272755CIL VI.1 2749AD 151 - 190stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272783CIL VI.1 2761AD 151 - 190stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272912CIL VI.1 2547AD 151 - 190stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
273068CIL VI.1 2621AD 151 - 180stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
273073CIL VI.1 2714AD 151 - 190stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
273302CIL VI.1 2590AD 151 - 190stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
273987CIL VI.4.2 32666AD 151 - 190stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
273991CIL VI.4.2 32698AD 151 - 190stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
274455CIL VI.4.3 37200 aAD 151 - 190stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
287956CIL XI.2.1 5670AD 151 - 161stone Latin Italy, Umbria - Fabriano [found & written]
320968P. Columbia inv. 408 Ro ined.AD 151papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
357341CIL VIII Suppl. 4 24145AD 151stone? Latin Tunisia, Africa - Balcaranensis Mons [found & written]
214703Année épigraphique 1968 412AD 151 - 199stone (conglomerate) Latin Austria, Noricum - Ovilava (Wels) [found & written]
208405CIL XIII.1.2 3321AD 151 - 212stone? Latin France, Gallia - Durocortorum (Reims) [found & written]
209387Osterburken 1. Beneficarier-Inschriften 87AD 151 - 161stone Latin Germany, Gallia - Rigomagus (Remagen) [found & written]
229265CIL II Suppl. 5997AD 151stone Latin Spain, Hispania - Alaior [found & written]
239063Année épigraphique 1905 26AD 151 - 160stone Latin Spain, Hispania - Emerita (Mérida) [found & written]
402351Tyche 24 (2009), p. 195-196 no. 109AD 151 - 160pottery Latin Austria, Noricum - Flavia Solva (Wagna) [found & written]
404262Tituli Aquincenses 1 43AD 151 - 161stone Latin Hungary, Pannonia - Aquincum (Budapest) [found & written]
420149Année épigraphique 2008 966 bAD 151 - 190pottery Latin Germany, Germania - Wörth am Main [found & written]
420150Année épigraphique 2008 966 cAD 151 - 190pottery Latin Germany, Germania - Wörth am Main [found & written]