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1 January 200 AD to 31 December 273 AD

From year 8 of Septimius Severus and year 8 of Caracalla, Tybi 5 to year 5 of Aurelianus, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/194314

16978 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 340

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
8864P. Flor. 3 340AD 200 - 250papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found]
8866P. Strasb. Gr. 5 305 RoAD 200 - 225papyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Polemonos Meris (?) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
8867P. Strasb. Gr. 5 305 VoAD 200 - 225papyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Polemonos Meris (?) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [destination]
10551P. Col. 8 229AD 200 - 211papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
11649P. Lond. 2 p. 158-159 no. 199AD 200papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
12893P. Ross. Georg. 3 24AD 200 - 211papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
14129SB 6 9238AD 200 - 211 (Septimius Severus and Caracalla and Geta, 29)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
15153Chrest. Wilck. 461AD 200 - 203 (cf. ZPE 17 (1975), p. 304)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Kerkesoucha [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
15378P. Strasb. Gr. 9 896AD 200 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
15931P. Oxy. 44 3169AD 200 - 212 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchites [written]
Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found]
16973P. Strasb. Gr. 4 235AD 200 - 206 (Septimius Severus and Caracalla, year [ ], [ ])papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) (?) [found & written]
19520P. Ryl. Gr. 2 176AD 200 - 210papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
21184P. IFAO 3 28AD 200 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
21431P. Mil. Vogl. 4 236AD 200 - 211 (Septimius Severus and Caracalla and Geta)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?) [found & written]
22314CPR 1 83AD 200 - 250papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [found & written]
22834P. Lond. 3 p. 214-219 no. 1178AD 200 - 212 (cf. BL 9, p. 141)papyrus Greek Italy, Campania - Nea Polis (Napoli) [written]
Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found]
22926SB 8 9903AD 200?papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
25211ZPE 200 (2016), p. 443-452AD 200 - 203papyrus Greek Egypt [written]
Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found]
25520Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 60 (2014), p. 384-387AD 200 - 250papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
26007Short Texts 2 743AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26010Short Texts 2 668AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26024Short Texts 2 693AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26025Short Texts 2 749AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26026Short Texts 2 712AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26030Short Texts 2 734AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26031Short Texts 2 733AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26035Short Texts 2 714AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26039Short Texts 2 735AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26040Short Texts 2 730AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26041Short Texts 2 711AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26042Short Texts 2 684AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26043Short Texts 2 698AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26048Short Texts 2 686AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26064Short Texts 2 709AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26066Short Texts 2 708AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26137Short Texts 2 685AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26252Short Texts 2 771AD 200 - 250? (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
26491BGU 15 2462AD 200 - 225?papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites (?) [found & written]
26873P. Oxy. 36 2793AD 200 - 240 (Yanne Broux: date can be narrowed down based on the mention of Sarapion-Apollonianos, who is known from other texts)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
26943BGU 11 2034AD 200 - 225 (Pauni (May 26 - Jun 24))papyrus Greek Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
27257Short Texts 2 692AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts; JHS 62 (1942), p. 18)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27261Short Texts 2 691AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts; JHS 62 (1942), p. 19)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27262Short Texts 2 690AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts; JHS 62 (1942), p. 19)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27286SB 6 9233AD 200 - 225 (Caracalla)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
27337Short Texts 2 720AD 200 - 225? (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27340Short Texts 2 729AD 200 - 225 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27356Short Texts 2 747AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27357Short Texts 2 748AD 200 - 250 (cf. Short Texts)wood Demotic / Greek Egypt, U09 - Sohag, cemetery [found & written]
27635Stud. Pal. 22 57AD 200 - 215 about (Clarysse (prosopography))papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
27752Aegyptus 102 (2022), p. 196-202 no. 3AD 200 - 225papyrus Greek Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found]