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1 January 534 AD to 31 December 599 AD

From year 8 of Iustinianus, Tybi 6 to year 19 of Mauricius, Tybi 4

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/316308

2618 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 53

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
18140SB 14 11539AD 534 Jan 1 - Jul 16papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
92175P. Oxy. 70 4783AD 534? (consular date)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
259503CIL V.2 7416AD 534stone (marble) Latin Italy, Liguria - Dertona (Tortona) [found & written]
265128Année épigraphique 1979 46AD 534 - 538stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
345789ILAlgérie 1 2114AD 534 - 536stone Greek / Latin Algeria, Numidia - Madauros (Mdaourouch) [found & written]
345596ILAlgérie 1 3059AD 534 - 544stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Theveste (Tebessa) [found & written]
175663Année épigraphique 1928 117AD 534 - 599 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Sardinia - Maracalagonis [found & written]
239387Année épigraphique 1989 365AD 534 - 539stone? Latin Portugal, Hispania - Myrtilis (Mértola) [found & written]
306758ICUR N.S. 2 4116 aAD 534 (cf. EDB)stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
304969ICUR N.S. 2 5064AD 534 (cf. EDB)stone (marble) Greek Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
501098CIL V.2 6269AD 534 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Transpadana - Mediolanum (Milano) [found & written]
697657Rivista di archeologia cristiana (RAC) 29 (1953), p. 229 no. 5AD 534stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Teanum Sidicinum (Teano) [found & written]
699013Marmore fluctus. Reperti marmorei e indagini archeologiche a Turris Libisonis p. 55AD 534 - 599stone (marble) Latin Italy, Sardinia - Turris Libisonis (Porto Torres) [found & written]
761229Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 4 1894AD 534stone? Greek Syria, Olbanon Kome (Halban) [found & written]
881400Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (CIIP) 1.2 800AD 534 - 535stone? Greek Israel, Palestina - Hierosolyma (Jerusalem) [found & written]
883852SEG 30 1715AD 534stone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Rihab [found & written]
889639SEG 37 1428AD 534stone? Greek Syria, Huarte [found & written]
20039PSI 3 216AD 534 Feb 17 (Iustinianus cos after, year Indictio 12, Mecheir 23)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
285662Supplementa Italica 9 [p. 213-347] 92AD 534 Marstone Latin Italy, Transpadana - Pieve del Cairo [found & written]
38254SB 30 17711AD 534 Apr 26 - May 25 (Iustinianus, year Indictio 12, Pachons)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Antaiopolis (Qaw el-Kebir) [written]
Egypt [found]
276667ICUR N.S. 1 3255AD 534 May 20 (cf. EDB)stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
115251Le Muséon 64 (1951), p. 2 + Draguet, Les formes syriaques de la matière de l'Histoire lausiaque (CSCO 389-390. Scriptores Syri 169-170) [Hist. Laus.] + Géhin, Les manuscrits syriaques de parchemin du Sinaï (CSCO 665. Subsidia 136) p. 101-102 descr.AD 534 Junparchment Syriac Syria - Syria [written]
Egypt, Western desert - Skiathis (Wadi el-Natrun), Deir el-Surian [found]
249077CIL XI.1 1409AD 534 Jun 11stone (marble?) Latin Italy, Etruria - Carrara (?) [found & written]
22923SB 8 9876AD 534 Jul 16papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina) [found & written]
17640P. Heid. Gr. 5 351AD 534 Aug 29 - 535 Aug 29papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
832244P. Oxy. 84 5454AD 534 Oct 15 after (year Indictio 12, Phaophi 18)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20781P. Oxy. 1 142AD 534 Nov 15papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
18804P. Strasb. Gr. 5 472AD 534 Dec 16?papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
20953P. Erl. 75AD 535papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites (?) [found & written]
22586P. Bodl. 1 47AD 535 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) (?) [written]
Egypt [found]
130025ZPE 177 (2011), p. 240-242AD 535 - 575 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
176185Année épigraphique 2002 1416 a-bAD 535stone (travertine) Greek Turkey, Phrygia - Hierapolis (Pamukkale) [found & written]
247182Inscriptiones christianae Italiae septimo saeculo antiquiores (ICI) 5 10AD 535 - 536stone Latin Italy, Bruttium - Trapeia (Tropea) [found & written]
259502CIL V.2 7417AD 535stone (marble) Latin Italy, Liguria - Dertona (Tortona) [found & written]
285519Supplementa Italica 9 [p. 213-347] 80 BAD 535 - 547stone (marble) Latin Italy, Transpadana - Ticinum (Pavia) [found & written]
285649Supplementa Italica 9 [p. 213-347] 79 BAD 535 - 547stone (marble) Latin Italy, Transpadana - Ticinum (Pavia) [found & written]
205163Année épigraphique 1945 97AD 535stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Arris, near [found & written]
236258Vives, ICERVisigoda(2) 355 + Vives, ICERVisigoda(2) 510AD 535stone Latin Portugal, Hispania - Vila do Conde [found & written]
291541ICUR N.S. 5 13123AD 535 (cf. EDB)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
310026ICUR N.S. 2 4154AD 535 (cf. EDB)stone Greek / Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
760466Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 13.1 9133AD 535 - 545stone? Greek Syria, Arabia - Bostra (Bosra) [found & written]
760510Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 2 307AD 535 - 536stone? Greek Syria, Zebed [found & written]
760782Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 21.2 100AD 535 - 536stone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Mekhayyat [found & written]
760783Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 21.2 101AD 535 aboutstone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Mekhayyat [found & written]
760784Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 21.2 102AD 535 aboutstone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Mekhayyat [found & written]
760785Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 21.2 103AD 535 aboutstone? Aramaic / Greek Jordan, Arabia - Mekhayyat [found & written]
760786Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 21.2 104AD 535 aboutstone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Mekhayyat [found & written]
760787Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 21.2 105AD 535 aboutstone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Mekhayyat [found & written]
761548Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 5 2630AD 535stone? Greek Syria, Liftaya [found & written]
816683CIL III.1 2659 comm.AD 535stone? Greek Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin) [found & written]