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1 January 202 BC to 31 December 197 BC

From year 3 of Ptolemaeus V or year 3 of Harronnophris (South), Hathyr 21 to year 9 of Ptolemaeus V or year 9 of Chaonnophris (South), Hathyr 22

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/47849

495 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 10

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
756357IG XII.4.1 76BC 202 - 201 aboutstone Greek Greece, Sporades - Kos [found & written]
756428IG XII.4.1 77BC 202 - 201 aboutstone Greek Greece, Sporades - Kos [found & written]
768694I. Délos 371BC 202 - 201?stone? Greek Greece, Cyclades - Delos [found & written]
814050Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes (CID) 4 98BC 202 - 200stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
814052Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes (CID) 4 100 [a?]BC 202 - 200stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
849727Die Inschriften von Pergamon 2 685BC 202stone? Greek Turkey, Mysia - Pergamon (Bergama) [found & written]
865627Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 19 39BC 202 - 198stone? Greek Turkey, Thracia - Lysimacheia (Bolayır) [found & written]
889974SEG 38 603BC 202 - 197stone? Greek Greece, Macedonia - Dion (Karitsa) [found & written]
898509IG XII.4.1 75BC 202 - 201stone (marble) Greek Greece, Sporades - Kos [written]
Greece, Sporades - Rhodos [found]
902725IG II-III(3).1.5 1252BC 202 - 201?stone? Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
910223Blinkenberg, Lindos 2 140BC 202 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Rhodos - Lindos [found & written]
934000IG VII(2) 2.1 58BC 202 beforestone? Greek Greece, Boeotia - Amphiareion (Maurodilesi) [found & written]
934001IG VII(2) 2.1 184BC 202 beforestone? Greek Greece, Boeotia - Amphiareion (Maurodilesi) [found & written]
934002IG VII(2) 2.1 59BC 202 beforestone? Greek Greece, Boeotia - Amphiareion (Maurodilesi) [found & written]
934003IG VII(2) 2.1 60BC 202 beforestone? Greek Greece, Boeotia - Amphiareion (Maurodilesi) [found & written]
942403The Athenian agora 16 235BC 202 - 201stone? Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
950197Inschriften von Milet (DAI Milet 6) 3 1056BC 202 - 201stone (marble) Greek Turkey, Ionia - Miletos (Balat) [found & written]
981556SEG 36 1220BC 202 - 201stone? Greek Turkey, Lycia - Xanthos (Kınık) [found & written]
995047P. Berkeley inv. Frag. 1101 + 1111 - 1115 Ro ined.BC 202 - 198?papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
995048P. Berkeley inv. Frag. 1101 + 1111 - 1115 Vo ined.BC 202 - 198?papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
115597Egyptian stories. Tribute to Alan B. Lloyd p. 1-4 Text A descr.BC 202 Jan 11 - Feb 9 (P05, year 03, Choiak)papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
8536P. Bürgsch. 7BC 202 Mar 12 - Apr 10 (P05, year 03, Mecheir; date of contract; date of registration lost)papyrus Demotic / Greek Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (?) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
986912Chaufray, La fonction du lésônis dans les temples égyptiens p. 346-347 no. T.03 descr.BC 202 Mar 12 about? ((P05?), year 03, Mecheir 01)papyrus Demotic Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
704850P. Köln Gr. 15 594BC 202 Apr 20?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Tanis [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
8808SB 24 16285BC 202 Aug 9 shortly after (P05 or P06, year 03, Epeiph 01)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) [place of writing & destination]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
380607Ancient Society 44 (2014), p. 91-104BC 202 Aug 27 ((P05), year 03, Epeiph 23)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00a? - Gurob [found]
3644SB 14 11943BC 202 Oct 13 - 201 Oct 11? (P04 or P05, year 04)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
5495P. Tebt. 3 998 descr.BC 202 Oct 13 - 201 Oct 11 after? (P05 or P06, year 04)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Berenikis Thesmophorou [written]
Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found]
112487P. Köln Gr. 11 452BC 202 Oct 20 - Nov 11?papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites (?) [found & written]
46061O. Tempeleide 37BC 202 Nov 12 - Dec 11 shortly before ((Haronnophris); cf. date of TM 46064)papyrus Demotic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
46064P. BM Reich p. 70-71 no. 10079 DBC 202 Nov 12 - Dec 11 (Haronnophris, year 04, Phaophi)papyrus Demotic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
43348Recueil de travaux égyptiennes et assyriennes 35 (1913), p. 156-157BC 202 Dec 12 - 201 Jan 10? (Haronnophris, year 04, Hathyr; cf. DBL)papyrus Demotic Egypt, U04b - Thebes (?) [written]
Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Gurna [found]
43384Recueil de travaux égyptiennes et assyriennes 35 (1913), p. 153-154BC 202 Dec 12 - 201 Jan 10 (Haronnophris, year 04, Hathyr; cf. DBL)papyrus Demotic Egypt, U04b - Thebes (?) [written]
Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Gurna [found]
47299P. Heid. Gr. 8 421BC 201 about? ((P04 or P05))papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [found & written]
47942Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes (CID) 4 99BC 201stone (limestone) Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
47944Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (CIIP) 3 2482BC 201 aboutstone Greek Israel, Palestina - Gaza [found & written]
113011Prosopographia Ptolemaica VIII (Stud. Hell. 21) p. 229 no. 4608 b descr.BC 201papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Tanis [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
207389Cimarosti, Le iscrizioni delle Alpes Cottiae 18BC 201stone (gneiss) Latin Italy, Gallia - Segusium (Susa) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
642027SEG 41 1003BC 201stone Greek Turkey, Ionia - Teos (Sığacık) [found & written]
780138I. Creticae 1.3 1 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Apollonia (Hagia Pelagia) [found & written]
780193I. Creticae 1.5 52 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Arkades (Ini) [found & written]
780195I. Creticae 1.6 1 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Biannos [found & written]
780242I. Creticae 1.8 8 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Knosos [found & written]
780299I. Creticae 1.14 1 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Istron (Pyrgos) [found & written]
780319I. Creticae 1.16 2 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Lato [found & written]
780332I. Creticae 1.16 15 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Lato [found & written]
780744I. Creticae 1.27 1 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Raukos [found & written]
780790I. Creticae 2.1 1 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Allarion [found & written]
780797I. Creticae 2.3 1 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Aptara [found & written]
780870I. Creticae 2.5 17 *BC 201stone Greek Greece, Creta - Axos [found & written]