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1 January 189 BC to 31 December 188 BC

From year 16 of Ptolemaeus V, Hathyr 24 to year 18 of Ptolemaeus V, Hathyr 24

reign of Ptolemaeus V

(23 July 204 BC to 3 September 180 BC)

Ptolemaic Dynasty (including Egyptian counterpharaohs)

(1 January 304 BC to 31 December 30 BC)

Ptolemaic period

(1 January 332 BC to 31 December 30 BC)

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85 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
47819I. Délos 403BC 189stone (marble) Greek Greece, Cyclades - Delos [found & written]
132409P. Duke inv. 53 ined.BC 189papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
178257SEG 15 254BC 189stone (limestone) Greek Greece, Elis - Olympia [found & written]
316246P. Tarich. 5BC 189?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Tanis [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
642012Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 62 393BC 189stone Greek Turkey, Phrygia - Tyriaion [found & written]
760923Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 3.2 992BC 189stone? Greek Turkey, Syria - Daphnai [found & written]
780802I. Creticae 2.3 5BC 189stone Greek Greece, Creta - Aptara [found & written]
781137I. Creticae 2.23 13BC 189stone Greek Greece, Creta - Polyrrenia [found & written]
806858IG IX(2).1.5 2038BC 189 shortly afterstone Greek Greece, Locris - Skarpheia (Skarfia) [found & written]
814056Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes (CID) 4 104BC 189stone (marble) Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
815717Fouilles de Delphes 3.4.2 242BC 189 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
815908Fouilles de Delphes 3.4.4 427 B IBC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
879465SEG 23 412BC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Thessalia - Skotoussa (Hagia Triada) [found & written]
902806The Athenian agora 19 p. 140-141 no. P 56BC 189 - 188 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
911937SIG(3) 2 616BC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
913405IG II-III(3).1.5 1274BC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
916158Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 1960BC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916163Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 1965BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916168Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 1970BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916180Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 1982BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916194Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 1996BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916202Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2004BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916203Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2005BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916204Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2006BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916205Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2007BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916206Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2008BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916211Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2013BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916222Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2024BC 189stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
916330Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2139BC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
929288Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (SGDI) 2 2677BC 189 - 188stone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
932202SEG 2 264BC 189 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
935317Tituli Camirenses 111BC 189 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Rhodos - Kamiros [found & written]
936260Prozessrechtliche Inschriften der griechischen Poleis: Arkadien 18BC 189 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Arcadia - Stymphalos [found & written]
959747SEG 65 1881BC 189 aboutpottery Greek Greece, Sporades - Rhodos [written]
Egypt, L00 - Alexandria, Shatby [found]
959771SEG 65 1967BC 189 aboutpottery Greek Greece, Sporades - Rhodos [written]
Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Karnak [found]
966864SEG 64 1820BC 189 aboutstone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Ailanos (Aqaba) [found & written]
4755BGU 7 1505BC 189 Feb 7 - Mar 7? ((P05), year 16, Tybi)pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
47295P. Heid. Gr. 8 417BC 189 Feb 17? (P05, year 16, NN 11)papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina) [found & written]
53999Short Texts 3 1339BC 189 Mar 7? (P05?, year 16, Tybi 30?)stone Demotic Egypt, U01 - Syene (Assuan) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
118040Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (ZÄS) 22 (1884), p. 128 no. 11BC 189 Mar 16 (P05, year 16, Mecheir 09)stone Demotic? Egypt, L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum [found & written]
75028O. Ont. Mus. 1 5BC 189 Apr 11?pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
703256Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 53 (2016), p. 46-51 no. 4BC 189 Aug 5 - Sep 3? ((P05), year 16, Epeiph [ ])papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites (?) [written]
Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [found]
6205P. Yale 1 37BC 189 Sep 22 (year 16, Mesore 29)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) (?) [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
316242P. Tarich. 2BC 189 Sep 25papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Tanis [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
2950P. Tebt. 3 975 descr.BC 189 Oct 9 - 188 Oct 8?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
6299Corpus of Ptolemaic inscriptions (CPI) 1 141BC 189 Oct 9 - 188 Oct 8 ((P05), year 17)stone (granite) Greek Egypt, L16 - Thmouis (Tell Timai) (?) [found & written]
4760BGU 7 1510BC 189 Oct 9 - Nov 7? ((P05), year 17, Thoth)pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
4751BGU 7 1501BC 189 Oct 9 - 188 Oct 8? ((P05?), year 17)pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
316241P. Tarich. 1BC 189 Oct 23?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Tanis [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
316243P. Tarich. 3BC 189 Oct 23?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Tanis [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]