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AbbreviationTM Abbreviation# editions RangeExample
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (BCH) convert to TM abbreviation 7446 from volume 1 to volume 138 (year 1877-2014) e.g. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (BCH) 45 (1921), p. 1-85
Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques convert to TM abbreviation 5124 volume 18 (year 1880-1982) e.g. Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques (1917), p. XLIII-XLV
Bulletin épigraphique convert to TM abbreviation 4202 from volume 1877 to volume 2018, from number 1 to number 1042 (year 1877-2018) e.g. Bulletin épigraphique 1962 352 [13]
BGU convert to TM abbreviation 3058 from volume 1 to volume 22, from number 1 to number 2913 (year 1895-2024) e.g. BGU 3 994
Bücheler, Carmina Latina epigraphica (CLE) convert to TM abbreviation 2234 from volume 1 to volume 3, from number 2 to number 2299 (year 1895-1926) e.g. Bücheler, Carmina Latina epigraphica (CLE) 1 271
Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (BIFAO) convert to TM abbreviation 2215 from volume 1 to volume 121 (year 1901-2021) e.g. Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 71 (1971), p. 16-31
Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma convert to TM abbreviation 2080 from volume 2 to volume 120 (year 1874-2019) e.g. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 33 (1905), p. 366-367
Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (BRGK) convert to TM abbreviation 1470 from volume 17 to volume 101 (year 1927-2020) e.g. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (BRGK) 27 (1937), p. 65 no. 54
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) convert to TM abbreviation 1323 from volume 2 to volume 60 (year 1964-2023) e.g. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 38 (2001), p. 27
Börker / Burow, Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon (Pergamenische Forschungen 11) convert to TM abbreviation 1301 from volume 1 to volume 2, from number 1 to number 799 (year 1998) e.g. Börker / Burow, Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon (Pergamenische Forschungen 11) 2 244
Brancato, Gli alumni convert to TM abbreviation 1075 from number 1 to number 1110 (year 2015) e.g. Brancato, Gli alumni 481
Botti, Catalogue du Musée d'Alexandrie convert to TM abbreviation 1019 (year 1901) e.g. Botti, Catalogue du Musée d'Alexandrie p. 576 no. 429
Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie (BSAA) convert to TM abbreviation 982 from volume 1 to volume 49 (year 1898-2015) e.g. Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie (BSAA) 9 (1907), p. 51 [2]
Bernabó-Brea e.a., Meligunì Lipára XII. Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle Isole Eolie convert to TM abbreviation 872 from number 1 to number 795 (year 2003) e.g. Bernabó-Brea e.a., Meligunì Lipára XII. Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle Isole Eolie 748
Bulletin d'archéologie et d'histoire dalmates (BAHD) convert to TM abbreviation 863 from volume 12 to volume 105 (year 1889-2012) e.g. Bulletin d'archéologie et d'histoire dalmates (BAHD) 47 - 48 (1924-1925), p. 56 [a?]
Blinkenberg, Lindos convert to TM abbreviation 832 from volume 1 to volume 4.2, from number 1 to number 3229 (year 1931-1992) e.g. Blinkenberg, Lindos 2 139
Bloch, Supplement to volume XV.1 of the CIL convert to TM abbreviation 671 from number 1 to number 615 (year 1947) e.g. Bloch, Supplement to volume XV.1 of the CIL 534
Benzina ben Abdallah, Musée du Bardo convert to TM abbreviation 661 from number 1 to number 532 (year 1986) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah, Musée du Bardo 38
Bakker / Galsterer-Kröll (ed.), Graffiti auf römischer Keramik im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Bonn convert to TM abbreviation 571 from number 1 to number 564 (year 1975) e.g. Bakker / Galsterer-Kröll (ed.), Graffiti auf römischer Keramik im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Bonn 101
Benzina ben Abdallah / Ladjimi Sebaï (ed.), Catalogue des inscriptions du musée de Carthage convert to TM abbreviation 556 from number 1 to number 554 (year 2011) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah / Ladjimi Sebaï (ed.), Catalogue des inscriptions du musée de Carthage 1
Bricault, Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes Isiaques (RICIS) convert to TM abbreviation 545 volume 1 (year 2002-2005) e.g. Bricault, Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes Isiaques (RICIS) p. 152 no. 113/0540
Bakkum, The Latin dialect of the Ager Faliscus convert to TM abbreviation 530 from number 1 to number 484 (year 2009) e.g. Bakkum, The Latin dialect of the Ager Faliscus 59
Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia (BRAH) convert to TM abbreviation 521 from volume 2 to volume 181 (year 1882-1984) e.g. Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia (BRAH) 70 (1917), p. 134-137
Barth / Stauber, IMT Kyz Kapu Dag (PHI CD-ROM) convert to TM abbreviation 460 from number 1401 to number 1856 (year 1993) e.g. Barth / Stauber, IMT Kyz Kapu Dag (PHI CD-ROM) 1500
Bonner Jahrbücher convert to TM abbreviation 453 from volume 10 to volume 219 (year 1847-2019) e.g. Bonner Jahrbücher 168 (1968), p. 56-111 no. 1
BKU convert to TM abbreviation 441 from volume 1 to volume 3.2, from number 1 to number 513 (year 1895-1968) e.g. BKU 3.2 434
Bulletin d'archéologie algérienne convert to TM abbreviation 397 from volume 1 to volume 7 (year 1962-1977) e.g. Bulletin d'archéologie algérienne 7 (1977-1979), p. 115 no. 124
Beltrán Llorís, ELSaguntumT convert to TM abbreviation 392 from number 1 to number 343 (year 1980) e.g. Beltrán Llorís, ELSaguntumT 63
BKT convert to TM abbreviation 387 from volume 1 to volume 10, from number 1 to number 206 (year 1904-2012) e.g. BKT 9 64
Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts convert to TM abbreviation 381 from volume 1 to volume 3, from number 5 to number 7387 (year 1998-2014) e.g. Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 1 31 (p. 13)
Buonocore / Firpo (ed.), Fonti latine e greche per la storia dell'Abruzzo antico convert to TM abbreviation 358 from volume 1 to volume 2 (year 1991-1998) e.g. Buonocore / Firpo (ed.), Fonti latine e greche per la storia dell'Abruzzo antico 2 p. 745 no. 14
Barbieri (ed.), Il lapidario Zeri di Mentana convert to TM abbreviation 353 volume 1, from number 1 to number 355 (year 1982) e.g. Barbieri (ed.), Il lapidario Zeri di Mentana 253
Bosnakis, Anekdotes epigraphes tes Ko convert to TM abbreviation 325 from number 1 to number 308 (year 2008) e.g. Bosnakis, Anekdotes epigraphes tes Ko 156
Bulletin de la Société d'archéologie copte (BSAC) convert to TM abbreviation 322 from volume 3 to volume 59 (year 1937-2020) e.g. Bulletin de la Société d'archéologie copte (BSAC) 12 (1946-1947), p. 1-15
Bardani / Papadopoulos, Sympleroma ton epitymbion mnemeion tes Attikes convert to TM abbreviation 304 from number 59 to number 2958 (year 2006) e.g. Bardani / Papadopoulos, Sympleroma ton epitymbion mnemeion tes Attikes 2636
Barth / Stauber, IMT SuedlTroas (PHI CD-ROM) convert to TM abbreviation 302 from number 401 to number 698 (year 1993) e.g. Barth / Stauber, IMT SuedlTroas (PHI CD-ROM) 401
Beševliev, Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien convert to TM abbreviation 300 from number 1 to number 259 (year 1964) e.g. Beševliev, Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien 75
Barth / Stauber, IMT Skam/NebTaeler (PHI CD-ROM) convert to TM abbreviation 299 from number 101 to number 398 (year 1993) e.g. Barth / Stauber, IMT Skam/NebTaeler (PHI CD-ROM) 101
Benzina ben Abdallah, Mourir à Ammaedara convert to TM abbreviation 281 from number 1 to number 250 (year 2011-2013) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah, Mourir à Ammaedara 1
Brélaz, Corpus des inscriptions grecques et latines de Philippes convert to TM abbreviation 274 volume 2.1, from number 1 to number 225 (year 2014) e.g. Brélaz, Corpus des inscriptions grecques et latines de Philippes 2.1 6
Barth / Stauber, IMT LApollon/Milet (PHI CD-ROM) convert to TM abbreviation 268 from number 2150 to number 2417 (year 1993) e.g. Barth / Stauber, IMT LApollon/Milet (PHI CD-ROM) 2150
Breccia, Rapport sur la marche du Service du Musée pendant l'exercice 1919-1920 convert to TM abbreviation 264 (year 1921) e.g. Breccia, Rapport sur la marche du Service du Musée pendant l'exercice 1919-1920 p. 15 no. 32-33
Bosch, Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ankara im Altertum convert to TM abbreviation 262 from number 49 to number 373 (year 1967) e.g. Bosch, Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ankara im Altertum 59
Bollettino dei monumenti, musei e gallerie pontificie (BMMP) convert to TM abbreviation 253 from volume 6 to volume 37 (year 1986-2013) e.g. Bollettino dei monumenti, musei e gallerie pontificie (BMMP) 10 (1990), p. 25 no. 1
Benzina ben Abdallah, Inscriptions de Haïdra et de environs convert to TM abbreviation 253 from number 1 to number 235 (year 2011) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah, Inscriptions de Haïdra et de environs 200 a
Blumhofer, Etruskische Cippi. Untersuchungen am Beispiel von Cerveteri convert to TM abbreviation 231 (year 1993) e.g. Blumhofer, Etruskische Cippi. Untersuchungen am Beispiel von Cerveteri p. 96 no. IIIa/4 43+
Bachatly, Le monastère de Phoebammon dans la Thébaïde. 2. Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca convert to TM abbreviation 228 (year 1965) e.g. Bachatly, Le monastère de Phoebammon dans la Thébaïde. 2. Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca p. 33 no. 2
Burnet, L'Égypte ancienne à travers les papyrus convert to TM abbreviation 226 from number 1 to number 227 (year 2003) e.g. Burnet, L'Égypte ancienne à travers les papyrus 225
Berytus convert to TM abbreviation 224 from volume 1 to volume 56, number 2 (year 1934-2016) e.g. Berytus 12 (1958), p. 111-112 no. 4
Belleten. Türk Tarih Kurumu convert to TM abbreviation 224 from volume 11 to volume 59 (year 1947-1995) e.g. Belleten. Türk Tarih Kurumu 42 (1978), p. 384-385 no. 9