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AbbreviationTM Abbreviation# editions RangeExample
Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (BRGK) convert to TM abbreviation 1470 from volume 17 to volume 101 (year 1927-2020) e.g. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (BRGK) 27 (1937), p. 65 no. 54
Bernabó-Brea e.a., Meligunì Lipára XII. Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle Isole Eolie convert to TM abbreviation 872 from number 1 to number 795 (year 2003) e.g. Bernabó-Brea e.a., Meligunì Lipára XII. Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle Isole Eolie 748
Benzina ben Abdallah, Musée du Bardo convert to TM abbreviation 661 from number 1 to number 532 (year 1986) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah, Musée du Bardo 38
Benzina ben Abdallah / Ladjimi Sebaï (ed.), Catalogue des inscriptions du musée de Carthage convert to TM abbreviation 556 from number 1 to number 554 (year 2011) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah / Ladjimi Sebaï (ed.), Catalogue des inscriptions du musée de Carthage 1
Beltrán Llorís, ELSaguntumT convert to TM abbreviation 392 from number 1 to number 343 (year 1980) e.g. Beltrán Llorís, ELSaguntumT 63
Beševliev, Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien convert to TM abbreviation 300 from number 1 to number 259 (year 1964) e.g. Beševliev, Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien 75
Benzina ben Abdallah, Mourir à Ammaedara convert to TM abbreviation 281 from number 1 to number 250 (year 2011-2013) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah, Mourir à Ammaedara 1
Benzina ben Abdallah, Inscriptions de Haïdra et de environs convert to TM abbreviation 253 from number 1 to number 235 (year 2011) e.g. Benzina ben Abdallah, Inscriptions de Haïdra et de environs 200 a
Belleten. Türk Tarih Kurumu convert to TM abbreviation 224 from volume 11 to volume 59 (year 1947-1995) e.g. Belleten. Türk Tarih Kurumu 42 (1978), p. 384-385 no. 9
Berytus convert to TM abbreviation 224 from volume 1 to volume 56, number 2 (year 1934-2016) e.g. Berytus 12 (1958), p. 111-112 no. 4
Bean / Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1964-1968 convert to TM abbreviation 185 (year 1970) e.g. Bean / Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1964-1968 p. 196-197 no. 217
Bernabò Brea / Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Akrai convert to TM abbreviation 185 from number 1 to number 73 (year 1956) e.g. Bernabò Brea / Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Akrai 50
Ben Hassen / Maurin (ed.), Oudhna (Uthina). Colonie de vétérans de la XIIIe légio convert to TM abbreviation 158 from number 51 to number 201 (year 2004) e.g. Ben Hassen / Maurin (ed.), Oudhna (Uthina). Colonie de vétérans de la XIIIe légio 52
Bertrandy e.a., Inscriptions latines de l'Ain convert to TM abbreviation 154 from number 1 to number 149 (year 2005) e.g. Bertrandy e.a., Inscriptions latines de l'Ain 52
Berges, Rundaltäre aus Kos und Rhodos convert to TM abbreviation 145 (year 1996) e.g. Berges, Rundaltäre aus Kos und Rhodos p. 134 no. 149
Betz, The Greek magical papyri in translation convert to TM abbreviation 144 (year 1986-1992) e.g. Betz, The Greek magical papyri in translation p. 300 no. PGM 83
Benseddik, Esculape et Hygie en Afrique convert to TM abbreviation 139 (year 2010) e.g. Benseddik, Esculape et Hygie en Afrique p. 25
Beiträge zur Sudanforschung convert to TM abbreviation 125 from volume 1 to volume 9 (year 1986-2006) e.g. Beiträge zur Sudanforschung 8 (2003), p. 31-39
Bean, Side Kitabeleri. The inscriptions of Side convert to TM abbreviation 112 from number 82 to number 194 (year 1965) e.g. Bean, Side Kitabeleri. The inscriptions of Side 174
Bernardelli Calavalle, Le iscrizioni romane del Museo Civico di Fano convert to TM abbreviation 108 from number 8 to number 74 (year 1983) e.g. Bernardelli Calavalle, Le iscrizioni romane del Museo Civico di Fano p. 28
Bergmann, Katalog der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften convert to TM abbreviation 94 from number 23 to number 997 (year 2005) e.g. Bergmann, Katalog der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften 253
Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia convert to TM abbreviation 88 from volume 1 to volume 12 (year 1937-2003) e.g. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia 7 p. 129-137
Ben Abed-Ben Khader / Fixot / Roucole, Sidi Jdidi II. Le groupe épicopal convert to TM abbreviation 83 (year 2011) e.g. Ben Abed-Ben Khader / Fixot / Roucole, Sidi Jdidi II. Le groupe épicopal p. 100
Benedetti, Glandes Perusinae. Revisione e aggiornamenti (Opuscula epigraphica 13) convert to TM abbreviation 80 from number 1 to number 80 (year 2012) e.g. Benedetti, Glandes Perusinae. Revisione e aggiornamenti (Opuscula epigraphica 13) 5
Béquignon, Recherches archéologiques à Phères de Thessalie convert to TM abbreviation 78 (year 1937) e.g. Béquignon, Recherches archéologiques à Phères de Thessalie p. 77 no. 433
Berceo convert to TM abbreviation 76 from volume 84 to volume 127 (year 1974-1994) e.g. Berceo 120 (1991), p. 22 [pieza 2]
Berthier, Tiddis, cité antique de Numidie convert to TM abbreviation 76 from number 1 to number 21 (year 2000) e.g. Berthier, Tiddis, cité antique de Numidie p. 59
Bean, Journeys in northern Lycia 1965-1967 convert to TM abbreviation 68 (year 1971) e.g. Bean, Journeys in northern Lycia 1965-1967 p. 7 no. 1
Bernand e.a., Recueil des inscriptions de l'Éthiopie convert to TM abbreviation 68 from number 1 to number 84 (year 1991) e.g. Bernand e.a., Recueil des inscriptions de l'Éthiopie 1
Benelli, Le iscrizioni bilingui etrusco-latine convert to TM abbreviation 59 from number 1 to number 42 (year 1994) e.g. Benelli, Le iscrizioni bilingui etrusco-latine 3
Bees, Corpus der griechisch-christlichen Inschriften von Hellas convert to TM abbreviation 57 volume 1, from number 1 to number 66 (year 1941) e.g. Bees, Corpus der griechisch-christlichen Inschriften von Hellas 1 1
Beševliev, Epigrafski prinosi convert to TM abbreviation 54 (year 1952) e.g. Beševliev, Epigrafski prinosi p. 37 no. 57
Berliner Philologischen Wochenschrift convert to TM abbreviation 53 from volume 5 to volume 61 (year 1886-1941) e.g. Berliner Philologischen Wochenschrift 61 (1941), p. 383
Bean / Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963 convert to TM abbreviation 50 (year 1965) e.g. Bean / Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963 p. 8 no. 3
Becatti, I mosaici e i pavimenti marmorei (Scavi di Ostia 4) convert to TM abbreviation 47 from number 58 to number 137 (year 1961) e.g. Becatti, I mosaici e i pavimenti marmorei (Scavi di Ostia 4) 58
Berichte zur Archäologie aus Mittelrhein und Mosel convert to TM abbreviation 47 volume 16 (year 2010) e.g. Berichte zur Archäologie aus Mittelrhein und Mosel 16 (2010), p. 441-567 no. 2
Beazley, Attic red-figure vase-painters (2nd ed.) convert to TM abbreviation 42 (year 1963) e.g. Beazley, Attic red-figure vase-painters (2nd ed.) p. 130 no. 31
Bezzola, Lucerni fittili dagli scavi di Palaepaphos (Cipro) convert to TM abbreviation 42 (year 2004) e.g. Bezzola, Lucerni fittili dagli scavi di Palaepaphos (Cipro) p. 238 no. 38
Bencivenni, Ravenna. Le iscrizioni greche convert to TM abbreviation 38 from number 2 to number 40 (year 2018) e.g. Bencivenni, Ravenna. Le iscrizioni greche 30
Bevilacqua, Antiche iscrizioni augurali e magiche dai codici di Girolamo Amati convert to TM abbreviation 35 (year 1991) e.g. Bevilacqua, Antiche iscrizioni augurali e magiche dai codici di Girolamo Amati p. 40 no. 37
Bettarini, Corpus delle defixiones di Selinunte convert to TM abbreviation 33 from number 1 to number 31 (year 2005) e.g. Bettarini, Corpus delle defixiones di Selinunte p. 9-14 [759 (5)]
Ben Hassen, Thignica (Aïn Tounga), son histoire et ses monuments convert to TM abbreviation 31 from number 1 to number 13 (year 2006) e.g. Ben Hassen, Thignica (Aïn Tounga), son histoire et ses monuments p. 101 [a?]
Bengtson, Die Staatsverträge des Altertums II. Die Verträge der griechisch-römischen Welt convert to TM abbreviation 31 from number 134 to number 340 (year 1975) e.g. Bengtson, Die Staatsverträge des Altertums II. Die Verträge der griechisch-römischen Welt 324
Bekker-Nielsen, The roads of ancient Cyprus convert to TM abbreviation 29 from number 1 to number 29 (year 2004) e.g. Bekker-Nielsen, The roads of ancient Cyprus 1
Ben Hassen / Maurin (ed.), Oudhna (Uthina). La redécouverte d'une ville antique de Tunisie convert to TM abbreviation 28 from number 1 to number 47 (year 1998) e.g. Ben Hassen / Maurin (ed.), Oudhna (Uthina). La redécouverte d'une ville antique de Tunisie 25 note
Bernabò Brea / Cavalier, Meligunis Lipara VII. Lipari. Contrada Diana convert to TM abbreviation 28 (year 1994) e.g. Bernabò Brea / Cavalier, Meligunis Lipara VII. Lipari. Contrada Diana no. 110
Berichtigungsliste (BL) convert to TM abbreviation 26 from volume 1 to volume 9 (year 1922-1995) e.g. Berichtigungsliste (BL) 1 p. 362-363
Beltrán Llorís (ed.), Roma y el nacimiento de la cultura epigráfica en Occidente convert to TM abbreviation 25 (year 1995) e.g. Beltrán Llorís (ed.), Roma y el nacimiento de la cultura epigráfica en Occidente p. 251-254
Beschaouch, Recueil des nouvelles inscriptions de Mustis, cité romaine de Tunisie convert to TM abbreviation 25 from number 1 to number 24 (year 1965) e.g. Beschaouch, Recueil des nouvelles inscriptions de Mustis, cité romaine de Tunisie 13 a
Bessarione convert to TM abbreviation 24 from volume 6 to volume 12 (year 1899-1908) e.g. Bessarione 8.5 (1903), p. 310-321