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AbbreviationTM Abbreviation# editions RangeExample
Marin e.a., Salona 4. Inscriptions convert to TM abbreviation 1359 from number 1 to number 825 (year 2010) e.g. Marin e.a., Salona 4. Inscriptions 691
Martinocić, Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum et Graecarum Montenegri convert to TM abbreviation 371 from number 1 to number 347 (year 2011) e.g. Martinocić, Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum et Graecarum Montenegri p. 109 [112*]
Marcillet-Jaubert, Les inscriptions d'Altava, Aix-en-Provence convert to TM abbreviation 331 from number 1 to number 326 (year 1968) e.g. Marcillet-Jaubert, Les inscriptions d'Altava, Aix-en-Provence 3
Marek, Pontus-Bithynia und Nord-Galatia convert to TM abbreviation 298 (year 1993) e.g. Marek, Pontus-Bithynia und Nord-Galatia p. 142 no. 23
Marichal, Les graffites de la Graufesenque convert to TM abbreviation 213 from number 1 to number 213 (year 1988) e.g. Marichal, Les graffites de la Graufesenque 1
Marganne, Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médecine convert to TM abbreviation 192 from number 1 to number 194 (year 1981) e.g. Marganne, Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médecine p. 404 [MPER N.S. 13 3] descr.
Marinucci, Disiecta membra. Iscrizioni latine da Ostia e Porto 1981-2009 convert to TM abbreviation 156 from number 1 to number 164 (year 2012) e.g. Marinucci, Disiecta membra. Iscrizioni latine da Ostia e Porto 1981-2009 1
Marinucci, Le iscrizioni del Gabinetto Archeologico di Vasto convert to TM abbreviation 137 from number 2 to number 186 (year 1973) e.g. Marinucci, Le iscrizioni del Gabinetto Archeologico di Vasto 105
Marangou-Lerat, Le vin et les amphores de Crète convert to TM abbreviation 134 (year 1995) e.g. Marangou-Lerat, Le vin et les amphores de Crète no. E 5
Marcadé, Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs convert to TM abbreviation 92 from volume 1 to volume 2, from number 2 to number 123 (year 1953-1957) e.g. Marcadé, Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs 2 53
Marretta / Solano (ed.), Pagine di pietra convert to TM abbreviation 76 (year 2014) e.g. Marretta / Solano (ed.), Pagine di pietra p. 132 no. BDLOA1
Marchi, I manoscritti della biblioteca capitolare di Verona convert to TM abbreviation 46 (year 1996) e.g. Marchi, I manoscritti della biblioteca capitolare di Verona p. 49-50 no. I (1)
Marin e.a., Corpus inscriptionum Naronitanarum convert to TM abbreviation 42 volume 1, from number 1 to number 42 (year 1999) e.g. Marin e.a., Corpus inscriptionum Naronitanarum 1 1
Marek, Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone in the collections of Charles University convert to TM abbreviation 41 from number 4 to number 51 (year 1977) e.g. Marek, Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone in the collections of Charles University 41
Marchini, Vicenza romana. Storia, topografia, monumenti convert to TM abbreviation 37 (year 1979) e.g. Marchini, Vicenza romana. Storia, topografia, monumenti p. 39, 46 note 122
Mariner Bigorra, Inscripciones romanas de Barcelona convert to TM abbreviation 31 from number 1 to number 267 (year 1973) e.g. Mariner Bigorra, Inscripciones romanas de Barcelona 1 *
Martinez, Qumran cave 11.2 (Discoveries in the Judaean desert 23) convert to TM abbreviation 31 (year 1998) e.g. Martinez, Qumran cave 11.2 (Discoveries in the Judaean desert 23) p. 1- 9 no. 2 [11Q2]
Marmora Lunensia erratica. Mostra fotografica delle opere lunensi disperse convert to TM abbreviation 25 (year 1983) e.g. Marmora Lunensia erratica. Mostra fotografica delle opere lunensi disperse p. 74 no. 16
Martínez Fernández, Epigraphes Polyrrenias convert to TM abbreviation 21 from number 2 to number 30 (year 2012) e.g. Martínez Fernández, Epigraphes Polyrrenias 9 A
Martin, Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge convert to TM abbreviation 18 from number 33 to number 120 (year 2005) e.g. Martin, Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge p. 141 no. 98
Martin, The tomb of Hetepka convert to TM abbreviation 17 (year 1979) e.g. Martin, The tomb of Hetepka p. 121-124
Martin, La titulature épigraphique de Domitien convert to TM abbreviation 17 (year 1987) e.g. Martin, La titulature épigraphique de Domitien p. 135
Marucchi, Monumenta convert to TM abbreviation 15 from number 18 to number 93 (year 1891) e.g. Marucchi, Monumenta p. 113
Marco Simón, Las estelas decoradas de los conventos Caesaraugustano y Cluniense convert to TM abbreviation 15 (year 1974-1978) e.g. Marco Simón, Las estelas decoradas de los conventos Caesaraugustano y Cluniense no. II B. 1
Marin (ed.), Salona Christiana convert to TM abbreviation 13 number 35 (year 1994) e.g. Marin (ed.), Salona Christiana 35
Maroto Garrido, Fuentes documentales para el estudio de la Arqueología en la provincia de Toledo convert to TM abbreviation 11 (year 1991) e.g. Maroto Garrido, Fuentes documentales para el estudio de la Arqueología en la provincia de Toledo p. 40
Martin, Sacred animal necropolis convert to TM abbreviation 11 (year 1981) e.g. Martin, Sacred animal necropolis p. 62 [71/2-DP 142] descr.
Margoliouth, Descriptive list of Syriac and Karshuni manuscripts in the British Museum convert to TM abbreviation 9 (year 1899) e.g. Margoliouth, Descriptive list of Syriac and Karshuni manuscripts in the British Museum p. 31 [Ms. 4400]
Marganne, La chirurgie convert to TM abbreviation 8 from number 1 to number 7 (year 1998) e.g. Marganne, La chirurgie p. xxiv [P. Oxy. 81] descr.
Marcattili, Gubbio. Scavi e nuove ricerche 2. Il teatro romano convert to TM abbreviation 8 (year 2007) e.g. Marcattili, Gubbio. Scavi e nuove ricerche 2. Il teatro romano p. 166-167 no. 228
Marchand / Marangou (ed.), Amphores d'Égypte convert to TM abbreviation 8 from volume 1 to volume 2 (year 2007) e.g. Marchand / Marangou (ed.), Amphores d'Égypte 2 p. 713-720
Mariette, Catalogue général des monuments d'Abydos convert to TM abbreviation 7 from number 8 to number 1327 (year 1880) e.g. Mariette, Catalogue général des monuments d'Abydos 1326
Marinescu, Funerary monuments in Dacia Superior and Dacia Porolissensis convert to TM abbreviation 7 (year 1982) e.g. Marinescu, Funerary monuments in Dacia Superior and Dacia Porolissensis p. 103 no. 1
Mar, El Santuario de Serapis en Ostia (Documents d'arqueologia clàssica 4) convert to TM abbreviation 6 (year 2001) e.g. Mar, El Santuario de Serapis en Ostia (Documents d'arqueologia clàssica 4) p. 174-175
Martiniello, Aeclanum tra archeologia e storia convert to TM abbreviation 6 (year 1996) e.g. Martiniello, Aeclanum tra archeologia e storia p. 85
Martini / Bassi, Catalogus codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Ambrosianae convert to TM abbreviation 6 from volume 1 to volume 2, number 117 (year 1906) e.g. Martini / Bassi, Catalogus codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Ambrosianae 2 p. 593 no. 491 [fol. 113, 114]
Maravela e.a. (ed.), New perspectives in christian western Thebes convert to TM abbreviation 6 (year 2024) e.g. Maravela e.a. (ed.), New perspectives in christian western Thebes [Müller] no. 1 (forthcoming)
Marini, Grecs et Romains face aux populations libyennes convert to TM abbreviation 5 (year 2013) e.g. Marini, Grecs et Romains face aux populations libyennes p. 321
Marangou, Bone carvings from Egypt. 1. Graeco-Roman period convert to TM abbreviation 5 (year 1976) e.g. Marangou, Bone carvings from Egypt. 1. Graeco-Roman period p. 133 no. 282
Marucchi, Il Museo Egizio Vaticano convert to TM abbreviation 5 (year 1899) e.g. Marucchi, Il Museo Egizio Vaticano p. 296-303
Marmore fluctus. Reperti marmorei e indagini archeologiche a Turris Libisonis convert to TM abbreviation 5 (year 2004) e.g. Marmore fluctus. Reperti marmorei e indagini archeologiche a Turris Libisonis p. 23, 54
Mariette, Monuments divers recueillis en Égypte et en Nubie convert to TM abbreviation 5 (year 1889) e.g. Mariette, Monuments divers recueillis en Égypte et en Nubie p. 14 & pl. 47 c
Marganne, L'ophtalmologie convert to TM abbreviation 5 (year 1994) e.g. Marganne, L'ophtalmologie p. 112-132
Martuscelli, Numistrone e Muro Lucano convert to TM abbreviation 4 (year 1896) e.g. Martuscelli, Numistrone e Muro Lucano p. 11
Martorelli, Dalla Civitas Albona al Castellum Albanense convert to TM abbreviation 4 (year 2000) e.g. Martorelli, Dalla Civitas Albona al Castellum Albanense p. 271 no. 9
Marinucci, Le iscrizioni del Gabinetto Archeologico di Vasto (2nd ed.) convert to TM abbreviation 4 from number 9 to number 197 (year 1981) e.g. Marinucci, Le iscrizioni del Gabinetto Archeologico di Vasto (2nd ed.) 196
Martin, Die Altägyptischen Denkmäler (CAA Bremen 1) convert to TM abbreviation 4 (year 1991) e.g. Martin, Die Altägyptischen Denkmäler (CAA Bremen 1) p. 50-61
Marshall, Catalogue of the jewellery, British Museum convert to TM abbreviation 4 (year 1911) e.g. Marshall, Catalogue of the jewellery, British Museum p. 378- no. 3158
Martini, Samos 16. Das Gymnasium von Samos convert to TM abbreviation 3 (year 1984) e.g. Martini, Samos 16. Das Gymnasium von Samos p. 255
Mariette, Papyrus Boulaq convert to TM abbreviation 3 volume 1 (year 1871) e.g. Mariette, Papyrus Boulaq 1 pl. 6-14