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TM 958932 = Sortieren, edieren, kreieren. Fs. Stephen L. Emmel p. 425-427 no. 2 = Egypt, Thebes, Theban Tomb (TT) 223 (KaraKhamun), excavation no. 2010.9; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); literary text, attributed to Apa Shenoute, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Sheikh Abd el-Gurna, TT 223; AD07 - AD08
TM 959784 = O. Brit. Mus. Copt. 1 p. 24 pl. 18, 3 [part 1] = London, British Museum EA 5876; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); prayer for evening offer of incense, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) (?); AD06 - AD08
TM 959785 = Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 30 (1895), p. 00 = Turin, Museo Egizio 7138; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); prayer of final inclination, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) (?); AD07 - AD08
TM 960690 = Browne, Michigan Coptic texts 10; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); hymns to archangel Michael, parchment; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); AD09 - AD10
TM 960692 = P. Moscow Copt. 95 = Moscow, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts number unknown; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); prayers for intercession, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) (?); AD07 - AD08
TM 960693 = P. Moscow Copt. 96 = Moscow, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts number unknown; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); prayer for the evening, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west); AD07 - AD08
TM 960694 = Brock, An inventory of Syriac texts published from manuscripts in the British Library p. 45 [7191] descr. = London, British Library Add MS 7191; Syriac; , parchment; Syria - Syria; AD07
TM 964735 = ZPE 31 (1978), p. 75 note 5 descr. = private collection Denniston; Greek; developed trishagion, papyrus; Egypt; AD04 - AD10
TM 966893 = Hommages à Ghislaine Viré (Collection Latomus 361) p. 21-30; Greek; school exercise, wood; U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim); AD05 - AD08
TM 967247 = Wright, Catalogue of Syriac manuscripts in the British Museum 2 759 (p. 721-723) = London, British Library Add MS 12162; Syriac; , parchment; Syria - Syria; AD08 - AD09
TM 968572 = P. Leipz. inv. 310 A-D ined. = Leipzig, Universität 310 A-D; Coptic; poem on the archangel Gabriel, papyrus; Egypt; AD07
TM 969589 = Fournet (ed.), Le papyrus dans tous ses états, de Cléopâtre à Clovis p. 61 no. 18 = Paris, Sorbonne, Institut de Papyrologie 2061; uninscribed; drawing of the head of a woman, papyrus; Egypt; AD03 - AD07
TM 969595 = ZPE 220 (2021), p. 251-253 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 1028; Greek; prose text, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (?); AD04
TM 970506 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 2 3219 descr. = Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek CLM 14497; Latin; , parchment; Germany, South; AD08 - AD09
TM 970508 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 4134 = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 2123; Latin; , parchment; France, Gallia - Flavigny; AD08 - AD09
TM 970509 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 4321 = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 4629; Latin; , parchment; France, Gallia - Avaricum (Bourges) (?); AD08 - AD09
TM 970510 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 4669 = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 11218; Latin; passio of Cosmas and Damianus; miscellanea medica, parchment; France, Gallia - Burgundy (?); AD08 - AD09
TM 970511 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 4833 = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 12444; Latin; canones, parchment; France, Gallia - Floriacum (Fleury); AD08 - AD09
TM 970512 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 4865 = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 13027; Latin; , parchment; France, Gallia - Corbie (?); AD08 - AD09
TM 970513 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 5671 = Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek MS 233; Latin; , parchment; Switzerland, Raetia - Sankt Gallen; AD08 - AD09
TM 970514 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 5672 = Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek MS 235; Latin; , parchment; Switzerland, Raetia - Sankt Gallen; AD08 - AD09
TM 970515 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 5859 = Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek MS 877 (p. 89-116); Latin; , parchment; Switzerland, Raetia - Bodensee, area; AD08 - AD09
TM 970516 = Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des 9. Jahrhunderts 3 5314 = Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 1086; Latin; , parchment; Italy, Samnium - Beneventum (Benevento); AD08 - AD09
TM 970526 = ZPE 220 (2021), p. 87-93 = Oslo, Private collection Schøyen MS 2651 / 1; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD03 - AD04
TM 971460 = P. L. Bat. 40 12 = Leiden, Papyrological Institute O. 68; Demotic; wisdom text or scribal exercise (?), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC04 - BC01
TM 971574 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 15-20 no. 2 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 647; Greek; , parchment; Egypt (?); AD06
TM 971575 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 21-25 no. 3 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 432; Greek; commentary on the faithful Job, parchment; Egypt; AD04 - AD05
TM 971580 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 59-65 no. 8 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 285; Greek; prosa (?), papyrus; Egypt; AD02 - AD03
TM 971581 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 67-77 no. 9 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 183; Greek; prosa, papyrus; Egypt; AD03 - AD04
TM 971593 = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 58 (2021), p. 9-22 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 42484; Greek; mythological on recto, reference to Ptolemies on verso; commentary of a poem with quotation?, papyrus; Egypt; AD05 - AD06
TM 971594 = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 58 (2021), p. 33-52 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 27574; Greek; table of squares, papyrus; Egypt; AD07 - AD08
TM 971637 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 79-81 no. 10 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 272 a; Greek; literary fragment, unidentified, papyrus; Egypt; AD02 - AD03
TM 971639 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 83-85 no. 11 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 272 c; Greek; literary fragment, mythology?, papyrus; Egypt; AD03
TM 971640 = Aegyptus 100 (2020), p. 87-95 no. 12 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 272 B; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD03 - AD04
TM 971876 = Uniformity and regionalism in Latin writing culture p. 17-22 = Qift, Archaeological storeroom Did. 578 b = Egypt, Khashm el-Minayh, French excavations, no. O. Did. 578 b; Greek / Latin; Greek-Latin glossary, pottery, ostracon; Eastern desert - Didymoi (Khashm el-Menih); AD03
TM 971893 = Cleaver / Bovey / Donkin, Illuminating the Middle Ages (Library of the written word 79) p. 4-12 = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Arab. NF 8 (fol. 15, 18, 20) [inf.]; Latin; , parchment; Italy, Latium - Rome (?); AD06
TM 971950 = Müller e.a. (ed.), Ärzte und ihre Interpreten (Beiträge zur Alterumskunde 238) p. 155 = Rome, Vatican, Biblioteca del Vaticano 1882 (fol. 89-92) + Rome, Vatican, Biblioteca del Vaticano 984 (fol. 157,162, 168,170); Greek; , parchment; Turkey, Thracia - Byzantion (Istanbul) (?); AD08
TM 972470 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 60-61 no. 1 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 44; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972471 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 62-63 no. 2 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 1; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972472 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 63-65 no. 3 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 53; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972473 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 67-69 no. 6 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 49; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972474 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 66-67 no. 5 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 115 c; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972475 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 69-71 no. 7-8 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 113 a-b; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972476 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 71-73 no. 9 = Provo, Brigham Young University without number; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972477 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 74-75 no. 10 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 45; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD09
TM 972478 = Journal of the Canadian Society of Coptic Studies 6 (2014), p. 75-76 no. 11 = Provo, Brigham Young University CHCM 3; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD08 - AD10
TM 974482 = New Testament Studies 67 (2021), p. 305-312 = Halle, Universität 58; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD06 - AD07
TM 974484 = New Testament Studies 68 (2022), p. 207-208 = Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Copt. g. 97 (P); Coptic (Fayumic dialect, dialect F4); , parchment; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); AD04 - AD06
TM 974486 = P. Lond. Copt. 1 507 = London, British Library Or 4717 (18) [palimpsest old]; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); letter, papyrus; Egypt; AD06 - AD07
TM 974495 = O'Connell (ed.), The Hay archive of Coptic spells on leather p. 175-178 no. Hay 7 = London, British Museum EA 10414 b; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); magical: formulary (small fragment), parchment (leather); U04b - Thebes (?); AD08 - AD09