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TM 975002 = P. Yale 4 185 = New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 3676 Vo; Greek; school text: Multiplikationstabelle, wood, tablet; U19 - Oxyrynchites; AD07
TM 975004 = P. Yale 4 187 = New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 3675 Vo; Greek; school text: Bruchrechnungen, wood, tablet; U19 - Oxyrynchites; AD07
TM 976525 = P. Oxy. 86 5532 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 65 6B.37/H(1-3)c; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD06
TM 976526 = P. Oxy. 86 5533 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 102/116(c) + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 35 4B.65/A(1-3)d; Greek; , papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (?); AD04 - AD05
TM 976527 = P. Oxy. 86 5534 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 40 5B.111/J(6-7)B + c; Greek; christian text, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD03
TM 976528 = P. Oxy. 86 5535 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 120/15; Greek; biography of diadochs (Perdikkas, Antipatros, Polyperchon), papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (?); AD01
TM 976529 = P. Oxy. 86 5536 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 49 5B.96/D(17-19)a; Greek; commentary (hypomnema), papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD02
TM 976530 = P. Oxy. 86 5537 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 17 2B.56/F(b); Greek; on short and long syllables, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD02
TM 976531 = P. Oxy. 86 5538 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 87/66(b), 251(a), 376(a) Vo + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 88/64(a) Vo; Greek; grammatical definitions and declensions, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD04
TM 976532 = P. Oxy. 86 5539 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 45 5B.58/D(3-6)a Vo; Greek; declension table of the name Ὅμηρος, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD02
TM 976533 = P. Oxy. 86 5540 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 69/11(a); Greek; declension table of ἡμέτερος, ὑμέτερος σφέτερος, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD01 - AD02
TM 976534 = P. Oxy. 86 5541 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 57/39a; Greek; declension table of ἡμέτερος, ὑμέτερος σφέτερος, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD04 - AD05
TM 976535 = P. Oxy. 86 5542 = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 15 2B.42/E(b)1; Greek; formulary of exorcism against demons causing illness, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD02
TM 976536 = P. Oxy. 86 5543 Vo = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 100/140(b) Vo; Greek; magical formulary, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD03
TM 976550 = Le Muséon 133 (2020), p. 302-305 no. VI = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Syr. 212 (fly-leaf); Syriac; , parchment; Syria - Syria; AD06 - AD07
TM 976551 = Le Muséon 133 (2020), p. 301-302 no. V descr. = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Syr. 208 (ly-leaf); Syriac; , parchment; Syria - Syria; AD08
TM 976616 = Le Muséon 133 (2020), p. 313-314 no. XIV descr. = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Gr. 958 (fly-leaf); syriac; , parchment; Syria - Syria; AD06
TM 976617 = Le Muséon 133 (2020), p. 322 no. XXI descr. = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Arab. 434 (fly leaf); Syriac; , parchment; Syria - Syria; AD06
TM 976643 = P. Oxy. 86 5538 Ro descr. = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 87/66(b), 251(a), 376(a) Ro + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 88/64(a) Ro; Greek; account, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD03
TM 976644 = P. Oxy. 86 5539 Ro descr. = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 45 5B.58/D(3-6)a Ro; Greek; register, papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD02
TM 977082 = Journal of Coptic Studies 19 (2017), p. 21-28 no. 1 = Barcelona, Palau-Ribes 388; Coptic; IV Kings 15, 26-34; 18, 30-33; 18, 37-19, 2, papyrus; Egypt; AD11 - AD12
TM 977094 = Margoliouth, Descriptive list of Syriac and Karshuni manuscripts in the British Museum p. 1 [Or. 1240 A] descr. = London, British Library Or 1240 A; Syriac; , parchment; Turkey, Mesopotamia - Marde (Mardin) (?); AD07 - AD08
TM 977095 = Margoliouth, Descriptive list of Syriac and Karshuni manuscripts in the British Museum p. 1-2 [Or. 1272 C] descr. = London, British Library Or 1272 (fol. 4); Syriac; , parchment; Syria (?); AD06
TM 977096 = Margoliouth, Descriptive list of Syriac and Karshuni manuscripts in the British Museum p. 1-2 [Or. 1272 D] descr. = London, British Library Or 1272 (fol. 5); Syriac; , parchment; Syria; AD06
TM 977097 = P. Köln Lexikon p. 80-153 = Cologne, Papyrussammlung P. 22323; Greek; alphabetic lexicon of dialectal and poetic words, papyrus; L00 - Alexandria (?); BC03 - BC02
TM 977304 = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 59 (2022), p. 17-28 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, Library P. 6803 B [palimpsest new]; Greek; medical recipes, papyrus; Egypt; BC01 - AD01
TM 977307 = Eshel (Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah 48) p. 89-94 = Haifa, Hecht museum H 1804 2 [X3]; Hebrew; , parchment (leather); Israel - Palestina; BC01
TM 977308 = Tarbiz 66 (1996-1997), p. 113-116 [Yadin fr. 1] + Martinez, Qumran cave 11.2 (Discoveries in the Judaean desert 23) p. 67 [11Q8 fr. 3]; Hebrew; , parchment (leather); Israel - Palestina; AD01
TM 977488 = Pap. Congr. XXX (Paris 2022). Abstracts p. 25 descr. = Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie G 1014; Greek; literary text (in Ionic trimeters?): probably a parody on Herakles and a Gryllos character, with a drawing, papyrus; Egypt; AD02 - AD03
TM 977489 = Pap. Congr. XXX (Paris 2022). Abstracts p. 40 [de Kreij] descr. = Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 42 5B.77/A(1-2); Greek; incipits or line beginnings of iambic verses (mime?), papyrus; U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa); AD01 - AD04
TM 977491 = Pap. Congr. XXX (Paris 2022). Abstracts p. 47 descr. = Fribourg, Bibel + Orient Museum ÄT 2006 .37; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; BC01
TM 977492 = Pap. Congr. XXX (Paris 2022). Abstracts p. 56 [Prodi] descr. = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, Library P. 4130; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD03 - AD04
TM 977563 = ZPE 223 (2022), p. 194-196 = Dublin, Chester Beatty Library W. 142 . 1; Greek; multiplication table, wood, tablet; Egypt; AD04 - AD06
TM 978059 = Of exceptional importance and interest. The Center for the Tebtunis papyri p. 39-42 Ro descr. = Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14187 Ro + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14193 Ro + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14236 Ro + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14253 Ro + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14301 Ro + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14342 Ro + Berkeley, Bancroft Library Frag. 14432 Ro; Demotic; school text, papyrus; 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat); BC03
TM 978060 = Of exceptional importance and interest. The Center for the Tebtunis papyri p. 81-83 descr. = Berkeley, Bancroft Library P. Berk. 57 + Copenhagen, Carlsberg Papyrus Collection P. number unknown; Demotic; medical text pertaining to stomach ailments, papyrus; 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat); AD01 - AD02
TM 979630 = Schüssler, Biblia Coptica 3.1 p. 48-63 [Sa 509] descr. = London, British Library Or 7558; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , papyrus; U03 - Latopolis (Esna); AD10 - AD11
TM 980031 = Gigante, Catalogo dei papiri ercolanesi 1248 descr. = Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale 108680/1232; Greek; , papyrus; Italy, Campania - Herculaneum (Ercolano); BC02 - BC01
TM 980062 = Analecta Papyrologica 33 (2021), p. 81-90 = Manchester, John Rylands Library Gr. 1106; Greek; magical or calligraphic exercise, papyrus; Egypt; AD05
TM 981133 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 95-96 no. 3.4 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-3/610; Demotic; figures and seasons, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC01 - AD01
TM 981135 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 96-98 no. 3.5 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 16-33-33/2; Demotic; divisions, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC01 - AD01
TM 981136 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 98-101 no. 3.6 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 16-33-33/2; Demotic; proskynema and drawing of human faces, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC01 - AD01
TM 981137 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 102 no. 4.1 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-35-4/758; Hieratic; unclear, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD02
TM 981138 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 103-105 no. 4.2 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-4/671; Demotic / Hieratic; religious (school?) text, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD02
TM 981141 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 106 no. 4.3 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-35-4/711; Hieratic; prayer?, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD02
TM 981142 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 107-110 no. 4.4 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-35-4/1031; Hieratic; list of gods, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD02
TM 981143 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 110-112 no. 4.5 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-3/506 + 482; Hieratic; alphabet halaham, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD02
TM 981159 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 141-142 no. 9.1 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-4/297; uninscribed; drawing of a striding deity, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD02
TM 981160 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 142-143 no. 9.2 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-4/734; uninscribed; drawing of three human figures, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD08
TM 981161 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 143-144 no. 9.3 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-4/734; uninscribed; drawing of an incense burner, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD03
TM 981162 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 144 no. 9.4 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-5/3280; uninscribed; drawing of a bavian and an ibis, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD01