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TM 981163 = Bulletin de l‘Institut français d‘archéologie orientale (BIFAO) 121 (2021), p. 145 no. 9.5 = Egypt, Hout-Repit, excavations Tübingen, storehouse in Sheikh Hamad, exc. no. 17-36-5/2012; uninscribed; drawing of a human figure and a scorpion, pottery, ostracon; U09 - Tripheion (Wannina); BC03 - AD01
TM 981190 = Nees, A survey of manuscripts illuminated in France. Frankish manuscripts 24 = Essen, Domschatz MS 1; Latin; , parchment; France (?); AD09
TM 981207 = Nees, A survey of manuscripts illuminated in France. Frankish manuscripts 25 = London, British Library Harley MS 2790; Latin; gospel book, parchment; France, Gallia - Caesarodunum (Tours); AD08 - AD09
TM 981261 = Orientalia Christiana Periodica 87 (2021), p. 523-530 = Mallawi, Museum 1678; Coptic / Greek; , wood; U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein); AD07 - AD08
TM 981262 = Revue biblique 129 (2022), p. 321-340 = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 14 fol. 16/21 + Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 14 fol. 28; Aramaic (Christo-Palestinian dialect); , parchment; Israel - Palestina (?); AD06 - AD07
TM 981264 = Nikolopoulos, Ta nea euremata tou Sina p. 000 nazien = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 14 fol.; Greek; life of saints, encomium on theotokos, parchment; Sinai - Catharina Monastery (?); AD10
TM 981265 = Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 52 (2019), p. 157-165 = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 14 fol. 17/20; Aramaic (Christo-Palestinian dialect); , parchment; Israel - Palestina (?); AD06 - AD07
TM 981266 = Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 17 (2020), p. 183-196 = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 14 fol. 18/19; Aramaic (Christo-Palestinian dialect); , parchment; Israel - Palestina; AD06 - AD07
TM 981267 = https//sinai.library.ucla.edu = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 14 fol. 1-15 + Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Greek NF MG 15 fol. 22-27; Greek; , parchment; Israel - Palestina; AD06 - AD08
TM 981649 = ZPE 223 (2022), p. 115-116 no. E02 = Sikkait, Mine SKPUS125 / Ostrakon E02; Greek; list of years, pottery, ostracon; Eastern desert - Senskis (Sikkait); AD01 - AD02
TM 981661 = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 59 (2022), p. 29-32 = Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Gr. liturg. g. 2 (P); Greek; Symbolum Nicaeo-Constantinopolitanum, papyrus; U13 - Apa Apollo Monasterion (Deir el-Bala’izah); AD06 - AD07
TM 981662 = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 59 (2022), p. 33-39 = Liverpool, World Museum 56.21.433; Greek; festal letter, papyrus; Egypt; AD08
TM 981673 = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 59 (2022), p. 9-16 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, Library P. 4912 b; Greek; fragment of a Greek novel mentioning king Osiris, papyrus; Egypt; AD01 - AD02
TM 981674 = Oriens Christianus 104 (2021), p. 54-62 = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina NF 11 (fol. 106, 107, 110, 111); Aramaic (Christo-Palestinian dialect); , parchment; Israel - Palestina (?); AD06
TM 981693 = Pylon 2 (2022) [Hatzilambrou], § 1-13 = Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Gr. class. e. 134 (P) [the tiny little bit in the curved part of the bottom frame]; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD02
TM 981694 = Pylon 2 (2022) [Benaissa], § 1-5 = Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Gr. class. g. 68 (P); Greek; Annunciation to the Shepherds (title), papyrus, codex; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); AD05 - AD06
TM 981708 = Scalf (ed.), Book of the dead. Becoming god in ancient Egypt p. 147 fig. 12.9 = Moscow, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts I.d.142; Demotic; , papyrus; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west); AD01 - AD02
TM 981709 = Scalf (ed.), Book of the dead. Becoming god in ancient Egypt p. 180-181 no. 4 = Chicago, Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures E 19436; Hieratic; funerary bandage, cloth (linen); Egypt; BC04 - BC03
TM 981731 = Christian Orient 8 (2017), XIV, p. 116 no. 4 descr. = Sinai, Monastery of St Catharina Arab. 588 (palimpsest old); Syriac; , parchment; 00a - Aristarchou Nomarchia; AD06
TM 983083 = D'Agostino / Pieralli (ed.), Philodoros eumeneias. Studi in ricordo di Paul Canart p. 615-616 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 384 b; Greek; , parchment; Egypt; AD06 - AD07
TM 983091 = Le Coran des historiens p. 696 descr. = Raqqada, National Museum of Islamic Art R 38; Arabic; , parchment; Tunisia, Africa - Kairouan; AD08
TM 983273 = Almásy e.a. (ed.), Ripple in still water. Fs. Cary J. Martin 22 = Saqqara, inv. no. SAK 72/73-DP 28 [6164]; Demotic; mythological fragment, papyrus; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara; BC04
TM 983338 = Willer (ed.), Christen und Muslime am Nil p. 20 = Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie Kopt. 336; Coptic; calendar of saints, papyrus; Egypt; AD07
TM 983352 = P. L. Bat. 42 9 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, Library P. 23; Greek; medical treatise with discussion of eye disorders, papyrus; Egypt; BC03 - BC02
TM 983380 = P. L. Bat. 42 36 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art Accession no.; Greek; rhetorical prose (on Talthybios’ rescue of Orestes?), papyrus; Western desert, Oasis Magna - El-Baqawat; AD04
TM 983381 = P. L. Bat. 42 37 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art Accession no.; Greek; Demosthenes, De corona 209–210, 212–213, papyrus, codex; Western desert, Oasis Magna - El-Baqawat (?); AD04
TM 983382 = P. L. Bat. 42 38 = present location unknown; presumbably lost; Greek; Aischines, In Ctesiphontem 124, papyrus; Western desert, Oasis Magna - El-Baqawat; AD03 - AD04
TM 983596 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 334-339 no. II. 31.1 = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 30029 Vo + Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 30030 Vo; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD02 - AD03
TM 983598 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 13 no. I-1.4 ms. D = London, British Museum EA 76189 c; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983599 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 13-14 no. I-1.4 ms. E = London, British Museum EA 76188 h + London, British Museum EA 76189 a; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983600 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 329-330 no. II-30.1 = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23873 Ro; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983601 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 331-332 no. II-30.2 = London, British Museum EA 76188 d Vo; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983602 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 332-333 no. II-30.3 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek D 6377 a Vo; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983603 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 339 no. II-31.2 = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23497; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios (?), papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983604 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 340 no. II-31.3 = London, British Museum EA 76188 g; Demotic; daily ritual for Soknopaios (?), papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983605 = Stadler, Das Soknopaiosritual p. 340-341 no. II-31.4 Vo descr. = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek D 6396 Vo; Demotic; roll, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); AD01 - AD02
TM 983701 = Roig Lanzillotta / Van der Vliet, The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic p. 39-42 = Helsinki, Ilves collection without number; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt; AD05 - AD06
TM 983703 = Roig Lanzillotta / Van der Vliet, The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic p. 47-48 descr. = Leipzig, Universität 3702; Coptic (Fayumic dialect); , papyrus; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); AD07
TM 983802 = P. Cairo inv. Waziri I papyrus ined. = Cairo, Egyptian Museum Waziri I papyrus; Hieratic; , papyrus; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara; BC04 - BC01
TM 983807 = Fontanella, Die Iliasglossare auf Papyrus p. 288-289 no. 025.5 descr. = Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Gr. class. e. 134 (P) (left hand fragments) Vo; Greek; glossary, papyrus; Egypt; AD02 - AD03
TM 983850 = Quaderni della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 7 (2019), p. 478-480 = Genua, Società Ligure di Storia Patria CPV 20; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD03
TM 983905 = P. Tebt. Pad. inv. 45 Ro descr. = Padua, Università P. Tebt. 45 Ro; Greek; literary, papyrus; 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat); AD02
TM 983977 = P. Tebt. Pad. inv. 117 descr. = Padua, Università P. Tebt. 117; Greek; literary, papyrus; 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat); BC01
TM 984028 = P. Tebt. Pad. inv. 168 descr. = Padua, Università P. Tebt. 168; Greek; list of ethnics, papyrus; 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat); BC02
TM 984033 = I mille volti del passato. Studi in onore di Francesca Ghedini p. 791-796 = Padua, Università P. Tebt. 173; Greek; writing exercise: Greek alphabet, papyrus; 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat); AD01
TM 984620 = Di Cerbo / Jasnow, Demotic graffiti at Dra Abu el-Naga' p. 168-170 no. 3 = Egypt, Thebes, Dra' Abu el-Naga, excavation number O. DAN 5051; Demotic; school text: list of numbers, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Dra' Abu el-Naga; BC04 - BC01
TM 984901 = Journal for the History of Astronomy 53 (2022), p. 383-393 = Washington, Museum of the Bible MS 000149 (fol. 47-54, 64); Latin; , parchment; Israel - Palestina (?); AD05 - AD06
TM 985523 = One who loves knowledge. Studies in honor of Richard Jasnow p. 439-452 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES S. H5-DP 79 Ro; Demotic; literary: Horos and Seth, papyrus; L01 - Memphis; BC05 - BC04
TM 985528 = ZPE 225 (2023), p. 31-34 = Stanford, University Libraries Green 20; Greek; , papyrus; L01 - Giza (?); BC03
TM 985529 = ZPE 225 (2023), p. 35-36 Ro = Copenhagen, Carlsberg Papyrus Collection P. 776 Ro; Greek; , papyrus; Egypt; AD02 - AD03