DemLü: search results

Number of results matching your search: 4

DL 25.188Shisha-Halevy, A., A First Structural Grammar of Demotic, in: BiOr 55 (1998), p. 587-600.
DL 23.73Shisha-Halevy, A., Some Reflections on the Egyptian Conjunctive, in: Fluck, C. / Langener, L. / Richter, S. / Schaten, S. / Wurst, G. (ed.): Divitiae Aegypti. Koptologische und verwandte Studien zu Ehren von Martin Krause, 1995, p. 300-314.
DL 17.74Shisha-Halevy, A., Work-Notes on Demotic Syntax, I, in: Or 58 (1989), p. 28-60.
DL 18.74Shisha-Halevy, A., Papyrus Vandier Recto: An Early Demotic Literary Text?, in: JAOS 109 (1989), p. 421-435.