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TM GeoRef 135268

"Μακεδών τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς"

= an attestation of TM Geo 1279 in TM 2667, (1266) ext., 7 [b]

'Polianthes son of Nikandros Makedon of the epigone'

TM Geo: Greece - Macedonia

Source: BGU 6 1266 + BGU 14 2386

Date: (a) year 3 of Ptolemaeus V or year 3 of Harronnophris (South): BC 203 Oct 13 - 202 Oct 12
(b) year 3 of Ptolemaeus V or year 3 of Harronnophris (South): BC 203 Oct 13 - 202 Oct 12

Provenance: Takona - Egypt [written]
Oxyrynchites ? - Egypt [found]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Incompletely preserved

People attestation(s) linked to this place attestation:

TM Ref 27900 Polianthes as Μακεδών τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς
TM Ref 27901 Polianthes as Μακεδών τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς
Stable URI (with TM Georef ID):
GeoRef information

Standardized name: Μακεδών

Geographic term: ethnicon

Construction: congruence

Semantics: origo

Bibliography: PP X, 2002, no. E1777

32 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
53963 (1266) 6 ἐν Τακονα U19 - Takona (TM Geo 2231) '(date), in Takona of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
53962 (1266) 7 [a] τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτου νομοῦ U19 - Oxyrynchites (TM Geo 2722) '(date), in Takona of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
53967 (1266) 7 [b] \Μ[α]κεδὼν/ τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Macedonia - Macedonia (TM Geo 1279) 'Polianthes son of Nikandros Makedon of the epigone'
53968 (1266) 8 Πέρσηι ... τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Theon son of Apollonios Perses, ... the three of the epigone'
53970 (1266) 8 - 9 Κυρηναίωι ... τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) (TM Geo 1201) '..., Menedemos son of Amyntas Kyrenaios, ... the three of the epigone'
53969 (1266) 9 Καλχηδονίωι ... τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Bithynia - Chalkedon (Kadıköy) (TM Geo 972) '..., Sostratos son of Theodotos Kalchedonios, the three of the epigone'
107576 (1266) 10 [a] τὸν κλῆρον τὸν Λέοντος τοῦ Κάλλιος Κυρηναίου ὀρφανοῦ U19 - Leontos tou Kallios Kyrenaiou orphanou Kleros (TM Geo 9395) 'the kleros of Leon the son of Kallis Kyrenaios without father'
53971 (1266) 10 [b] Κυρηναίου Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) (TM Geo 1201) 'Leon the son of Kallis Kyrenaios'
53964 (1266) 21 εἰς Τακονα U19 - Takona (TM Geo 2231)
53960 (1266) 25 εἰς Τακονα U19 - Takona (TM Geo 2231)
53961 (1266) 39 [a] Κυρηναῖος Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) (TM Geo 1201) 'Philonades Kyrenaios'
53965 (1266) 39 [b] Θρᾶιξ Thracia - Thracia (TM Geo 2414) 'Atias Thraix'
53958 (1266) 40 Χαλκιδεύς Euboea - Chalkis (TM Geo 494) 'Eubios Chalkideus'
53966 (1266) 41 Θρᾶιξ Thracia - Thracia (TM Geo 2414) 'Leukios Thraix'
119676 (1266) 41 - 42 Β̣ι̣θυνός ... τῆς ἐπιγο̣ν̣ῆ̣ς̣ Bithynia - Bithynia (TM Geo 440) 'Aristomachos son of Ptolemaios Bithynos, Demetrios son of Demetrios Chalkideus, the two of the epigone'
53959 (1266) 42 Χαλκιδεύς ... τῆς ἐπιγο̣ν̣ῆ̣ς̣ Euboea - Chalkis (TM Geo 494) 'Aristomachos son of Ptolemaios Bithynos, Demetrios son of Demetrios Chalkideus, the two of the epigone'
107577 (1266) 47 κλ(ήρου) Λέοντος U19 - Leontos tou Kallios Kyrenaiou orphanou Kleros (TM Geo 9395)
135266 (1266) ext., 6 ἐν Τακονα U19 - Takona (TM Geo 2231) '(date), in Takona of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
135267 (1266) ext., 7 [a] τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτου νομοῦ U19 - Oxyrynchites (TM Geo 2722) '(date), in Takona of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
135268 (1266) ext., 7 [b] Μακεδών τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Macedonia - Macedonia (TM Geo 1279) 'Polianthes son of Nikandros Makedon of the epigone'
135269 (1266) ext., 8 Πέρσηι ... τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Theon son of Apollonios Perses of the epigone, ... the three of the epigone'
135270 (1266) ext., 8 - 9 Κυρηναίωι ... τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) (TM Geo 1201) '..., Menedemos son of Amyntas Kyrenaios, ... the three of the epigone'
135271 (1266) ext., 9 Καλχηδονίωι ... τῆς ἐπι<γ>ονῆς Bithynia - Chalkedon (Kadıköy) (TM Geo 972) '..., Sostratos son of Theodotos Kalchedonios, the three of the epigone'
135272 (1266) ext., 10 [a] τὸν κλῆρον τὸν Λέοντος τοῦ Κάλλιος Κυρηναίου ὀρφανοῦ U19 - Leontos tou Kallios Kyrenaiou orphanou Kleros (TM Geo 9395) 'the kleros of Leon the son of Kallis Kyrenaios without father'
135273 (1266) ext., 10 [b] Κυρηναίου Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) (TM Geo 1201) 'Leon the son of Kallis Kyrenaios'
135274 (1266) ext., 21 εἰς Τακονα U19 - Takona (TM Geo 2231)
51904 (2386) 4 Κυρηναῖος Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) (TM Geo 1201) 'Philonades Kyrenaios'
51905 (2386) 5 [a] Θρᾶιξ Thracia - Thracia (TM Geo 2414) 'Attias Thraix'
51902 (2386) 5 [b] Χ[αλ]κιδεύς Euboea - Chalkis (TM Geo 494) 'Eubios Chalkideus'
51906 (2386) 6 Θρᾶιξ Thracia - Thracia (TM Geo 2414) 'Leukios Thraix'
51907 (2386) 7 Βιθυνός ... τῆς ἐπιγονῆς Bithynia - Bithynia (TM Geo 440) 'Aristomachos son of Ptolemaios Bithynos, Demetrios son of Demetrios Chalkideus, the two of the epigone'
51903 (2386) 8 Χαλκιδεύς ... τῆς ἐπιγονῆς Euboea - Chalkis (TM Geo 494) 'Aristomachos son of Ptolemaios Bithynos, Demetrios son of Demetrios Chalkideus, the two of the epigone'