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TM GeoRef 22165

"ἀπὸ Μεμφεως"

= an attestation of TM Geo 1344 in TM 4823, 11

'Apollophanes prostates and Eudemos grammateus of the naukleroi Hippodromitai from Memphis'

TM Geo: Egypt, L01 - Memphis

Source: BGU 8 1741

Date: BC 63 Jul 5 - 18

Provenance: Herakleopolites - Egypt [written]
Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) - Egypt [found]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Stable URI (with TM Georef ID): www.trismegistos.org/georef/22165
GeoRef information

Standardized name: Μεμφις

Construction: apo + gen.

Semantics: origo

Subscribe to see map

29.849491,31.255061 (Lat,Long)

4 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
54296 6 [a] ἀπὸ Μεμφεως L01 - Memphis (TM Geo 1344) 'by prostates with Apollophanes and Eudemos grammateus of the naukleroi Hippodromitai from Memphis'
22164 6 [b] Ἱπποδρομιτῶν Hippodromites (TM Geo 12395) 'by prostates with Apollophanes and Eudemos grammateus of the naukleroi Hippodromitai from Memphis'
22165 11 ἀπὸ Μεμφεως L01 - Memphis (TM Geo 1344) 'Apollophanes prostates and Eudemos grammateus of the naukleroi Hippodromitai from Memphis'
54297 12 Ἱπποδρομιτῶν Hippodromites (TM Geo 12395) 'Apollophanes prostates and Eudemos grammateus of the naukleroi Hippodromitai from Memphis'