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TM GeoRef 66447

"ἐν Διὸς πό(λει) τῆι Μι(κρᾶι)"

= an attestation of TM Geo 577 in TM 258, 5

TM Geo: Egypt, U07 - Dios Polis (Hiou)

Source: P. Dryton 4

Date: BC 126 Jun 29

Provenance: Pathyris (Gebelein) - Egypt [found & written]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Incompletely preserved

Stable URI (with TM Georef ID): www.trismegistos.org/georef/66447
GeoRef information

Standardized name: Διὸς πόλις ἡ Μικρά

Geographic term: polis + gen.

Construction: en + dat.

Semantics: location

Subscribe to see map

26.00258,32.31196 (Lat,Long)

10 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
66449 1 [a] [ἐν Παθυρει] U04a - Pathyris (Gebelein) (TM Geo 1628) '(date), in Pathyris before Asklepiades (the) agoranomos.'
66443 1 [b] Κρής Creta - Creta (TM Geo 527) 'Dryton son of Pamphilos Kres'
239833 4 ἀστῆς U08 - Ptolemais Hermeiou (El-Mansha) (TM Geo 2023) 'Sarapias the daughter of Esthlades the son of Theon, citizen (aste)'
66447 5 ἐν Διὸς πό(λει) τῆι Μι(κρᾶι) U07 - Dios Polis (Hiou) (TM Geo 577)
66448 8 [a] ἐπὶ τοῦ [Κόχλακος] U04a - Kochlax (TM Geo 3141)
66442 8 [b] [τῆς Ἀραβία]ς U04a - Arabia (TM Geo 5190)
66445 8 [c] τοῦ Πα̣[θυ]ρ̣(ίτου) U04a - Pathyrites (TM Geo 2849)
66446 15 [a] ἐν Δι(ὸς) πό(λει) τῆι Μεγά(ληι) U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) (TM Geo 576)
135500 15 [b] ἐν τῶι Ἀμμω(νιείωι) U04b - Ammonieion (TM Geo 2769)
66444 15 [c] ἐν τοῖς Κεραμείοις U04b - Kerameia - Madou (Nag’ el-Madamud) (TM Geo 1281)