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TM GeoRef 118712

"ἐν τῆι πόλει"

= an attestation of TM Geo 327 in TM 5395, 61

'the logeuterion in the polis'

TM Geo: Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum)

Source: P. Tebt. 3 814

Date: BC 227 Mar 16 after

Provenance: Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) - Egypt [found]
Arsinoites (Fayum) - Egypt [written]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Incompletely preserved

Stable URI (with TM Georef ID):
GeoRef information

Standardized name: ἡ πόλις

Geographic term: polis (no toponym)

Construction: en + dat.

Semantics: location

Bibliography: Hagedorn, ZPE 160 (2007), p. 175

29.320878,30.835832 (Lat,Long)

20 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
89841 1 [Ἀρσινο]ίτου νομοῦ 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332)
89844 5 Ἀρσινοίτιδος 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) 'Theroys the daughter of Nechthatymis Arsinoitis'
89835 6 Πέρσου Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Herakleides the son of Apollonios Perses'
17529 11 [a] [ἐν Κροκοδίλων π]όλει 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) '(date), in Krokodilopolis of the Arsinoites nomos, when Nikolaos was agoranomos.'
89842 11 [b] τοῦ Ἀ[ρσινοίτου νομ]οῦ 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) '(date), in Krokodilopolis of the Arsinoites nomos, when Nikolaos was agoranomos.'
89845 13 [Ἀρσινοῖτι]ς 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) 'Theroys daughter of Nechthatymis Arsinoitis'
89836 15 Πέρσου Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Herakleides the son of Apollonios Perses'
17530 21 ἐν Κροκοδίλων πόλει 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) '(date), in Krokodilopolis of the Arsinoites nomos, when Nikolaos was agoranomos.'
89843 21 - 22 τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου [νο]μοῦ̣ 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) '(date), in Krokodilopolis of the Arsinoites nomos, when Nikolaos was agoranomos.'
89846 23 Ἀρσινοῖτις 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) 'Theroys daughter of Nechthatymis Arsinoitis'
89837 26 [Πέ]ρσου Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Herakleides the son of Apollonios Perses'
17531 32 [ἐν Κ]ροκοδίλων πόλει 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327)
89840 33 Ἀρσινοῖτις (read: Ἀρσινοῖτιν) 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) 'Theroys daughter of Nechthatymis Arsinoitis'
89838 34 Πέρσου Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Herakleides the son of Apollonios Perses'
89847 38 [Ἀ]ρσινοῖτις 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (TM Geo 332) 'Theroys daughter of Nechthatymis Arsinoitis'
89839 39 Π[έρ]σου Persis - Persis (TM Geo 1704) 'Herakleides the son of Apollonios Perses'
10569 41 κατὰ Σύρων κώμην 00a - Syron Kome (TM Geo 2216) vineyard, wine press
89834 42 Συραιγυπτ̣ί̣[ου] Syria - Syria (TM Geo 2211) 'Petesouchos the son of Psenithes Syraigyptios'
118712 61 ἐν τῆι πόλει 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) 'the logeuterion in the polis'
17532 66 ἐν Κρ[ο]κ[οδίλω]ν πόλει 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327)