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TM GeoRef 14652

"Θεμίσ[τ]ου μερίδος"

= an attestation of TM Geo 2366 in TM 14506, 50

'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'

TM Geo: Egypt, 00b - Themistou Meris

Source: SB 14 11657

Date: year 2 of Antoninus Pius: AD 138 Aug 29 - 139 Aug 29

Provenance: Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) - Egypt [found & written]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Stable URI (with TM Georef ID):
GeoRef information

Standardized name: Θεμίστου μερίς

Geographic term: meris + gen.

Construction: genitivus

Semantics: territory

51 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
133762 3 τῆς μερίδος 00b - Themistou Meris (TM Geo 2366) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'
94944 4 Θεαδελφείας 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) (TM Geo 2349) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'
17344 5 Φιλαγρίδος 00b - Philagris - Perkethayt (Hamuli) (TM Geo 1766) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'; two people from Philagris working on ousiai
94967 6 Ἀργιάδος 00b - Argeas (TM Geo 299) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'
94966 7 Φιλωτερίδος 00b - Philoteris (Wadfa) (TM Geo 1780) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'
94960 8 Σεντρεμπαει 00b - Sethrempais (TM Geo 2122) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'
244130 10 ἀπὸ τῆς μητροπόλεως 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) 'and from (the) villages of the meris: of Theadelpheia: 1 man; of Philagris: 2 men; of Argias: 1 man; of Philoteris: 1; of Sethrempais: 2; total: 6 men; and from the metropolis: 30 men; total: 36'
94954 17 οὐσιῶν Οὐεσπασιανοῦ 00 - Ouespasianou Ousia (TM Geo 2496)
94961 18 Μαι̣κηναιτιανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Maikenatiane Ousia (TM Geo 1282)
25942 19 Μάρ̣κου Ἀντωνίου Πάλλαντος 00 - Pallantos Ousia (TM Geo 1571)
94956 20 (πρότερον) Γ̣αλλίας Πώλλης 00 - Gallias Polles Ousia (TM Geo 694) 'near the village [not specified] ... (the ousia) of Marcus Antonius Pallas, previously of Gallia Polla: 32 arourai'
94945 21 Λουριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Louriane Ousia (TM Geo 1266)
94951 22 Σ̣ε̣ο̣υ̣ηριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Seoueriane Ousia (TM Geo 2129)
94955 39 οὐσι[ῶν] Οὐεσπασιανοῦ 00 - Ouespasianou Ousia (TM Geo 2496)
94968 41 οὐσιῶ[ν Τί]τ̣ου 00 - Titou Ousia (TM Geo 2432)
94957 42 Δορ̣[υφ]οριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Doryphorou Ousia (TM Geo 591)
94949 43 Σεν[εκαν]ῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Senekane Ousia (TM Geo 2118)
94969 44 ο̣ὐ̣σ̣ι̣ῶ̣ν̣ [Τ]ίτου 00 - Titou Ousia (TM Geo 2432)
14652 50 Θεμίσ[τ]ου μερίδος 00b - Themistou Meris (TM Geo 2366) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'
12233 51 [a] Θεαδελφείᾳ 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) (TM Geo 2349) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'
94962 51 [b] Μαικηναι̣τ(ιανῆς) οὐσί(ας) 00 - Maikenatiane Ousia (TM Geo 1282)
94946 52 Λουριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Louriane Ousia (TM Geo 1266)
94952 53 Σεουηριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Seoueriane Ousia (TM Geo 2129)
94958 54 Δορυφοριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Doryphorou Ousia (TM Geo 591)
8047 56 Φιλωτερίδι 00b - Philoteris (Wadfa) (TM Geo 1780) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'; 10+ arourai in Philoteris belonging to the Maikenatiane ousia
94963 57 Μαικηναιτ(ιανῆς) οὐσί(ας) 00 - Maikenatiane Ousia (TM Geo 1282)
2426 58 [a] Θεοξενίδι 00b - Theoxenis (TM Geo 2386) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'; Senekane ousia: 9 arourai; Doryforiane ousia: 1/2 arourai; Louriane ousia: 14 1/2 1/16 arourai. Total for land in Theoxenis belonging to estates: 24 1/16 arourai
94950 58 [b] Σε̣[ν]εκανῆ(ς) οὐσί(ας) 00 - Senekane Ousia (TM Geo 2118)
94959 59 Δορυφοριανῆς οὐσί(ας) 00 - Doryphorou Ousia (TM Geo 591)
94947 60 Λουριανῆς ο̣ὐσί(ας) 00 - Louriane Ousia (TM Geo 1266)
17335 62 Ἀνδρομαχίδ[ι] 00b - Andromachis (TM Geo 172) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'
94964 63 Μαικηναι̣τ(ιανῆς) οὐσί(ας) 00 - Maikenatiane Ousia (TM Geo 1282)
94948 64 Λουριανῆς̣ ο̣ὐσί(ας) 00 - Louriane Ousia (TM Geo 1266)
2425 67 Ἑρμοῦ πόλει 00b - Hermopolis (TM Geo 813) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'; list of land belonging to estates (ousiai): for Hermopolis: Maikenatiane ousia: 2 arourai; Seoueriane ousia: 32 arourai => total = 34 arourai
94965 68 Μαικηναιτ(ιανῆς) οὐσί(ας) 00 - Maikenatiane Ousia (TM Geo 1282)
94953 69 Σεουηριανῆ(ς) οὐσί(ας) 00 - Seoueriane Ousia (TM Geo 2129)
244230 71 [.]α̣...[.]. Unidentified toponym (TM Geo 14039) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'
109978 72 Σεουη̣ρ̣ι̣ανῆς̣ ο̣ὐ̣[σί(ας)] 00 - Seoueriane Ousia (TM Geo 2129)
109979 73 Λ̣ουρι̣α̣ν̣ῆς ο[ὐσί(ας)] 00 - Louriane Ousia (TM Geo 1266)
109980 74 Δορυφοριανῆς ο[ὐσί(ας)] 00 - Doryphorou Ousia (TM Geo 591)
3909 76 [a] Λαγίδι 00b - Lagis (TM Geo 1216) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'; Seoueriane ousia in Lagis: 31 1/4 arourai (the next lemma is Trikomia, where there were 31 2/3 arourai of the Seoueriane ousia)
109981 76 [b] Σεουηριαν̣ῆ̣[ς οὐσί(ας)] 00 - Seoueriane Ousia (TM Geo 2129)
17017 77 [a] Τρικωμίᾳ 00b - Trikomia (TM Geo 2470) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'; list of land belonging to estates (ousiai): for Trikomia: 31+ arourai of the Seoueriane ousia
109982 77 [b] Σεουη[ρ]ι̣[ανῆς οὐσί(ας)] 00 - Seoueriane Ousia (TM Geo 2129)
6117 78 [a] Σεντρεμπαει 00b - Sethrempais (TM Geo 2122) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: ...; for Tebtynis: ...'; ousia of Doryphoros
109983 78 [b] Δορυ[φοριανῆς οὐσί(ας)] 00 - Doryphorou Ousia (TM Geo 591)
109975 82 Πολέμωνος μερίδος 00c - Polemonos Meris (TM Geo 1882) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]; for Tebtynis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]. Total ...'
3908 83 [a] Ναρμουθι 00c - Narmouthis (Medinet Madi) (TM Geo 1421) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]; for Tebtynis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]. Total ...'; list of lands belonging to ousiai (estates)
109976 83 [b] Σενεκ̣[ανῆς οὐσί(ας)] 00 - Senekane Ousia (TM Geo 2118) 'Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]; for Tebtynis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]. Total ...'
20324 84 [a] Τεβτυνι 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) (TM Geo 2287) 'Of (the) meris of Themistos: for Theadelpheia: ...; for Philoteris: ...; for Theoxenis: ...; for Andromachis: ...; for Hermopolis: ...; [for -]: ...; for Lagis: ...; for Trikomia: ...; for Sethrempais: ... Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]; for Tebtynis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]. Total ...'
109977 84 [b] Σενεκ[ανῆς οὐσί(ας)] 00 - Senekane Ousia (TM Geo 2118) 'Of (the) meris of Polemon: for Narmouthis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]; for Tebtynis: of (the) Senekane Ousia: arourai [ ]. Total ...'