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TM GeoRef 51124


= an attestation of TM Geo 1279 in TM 2676, 4

'Pyrros Makedon'

TM Geo: Greece - Macedonia

Source: BGU 10 1943

Date: year 8 of Ptolemaeus IV: BC 215 Oct 16 - 214 Oct 15

Provenance: Tholthis [Kato] (Talt) - Egypt [written]
Oxyrynchites ? - Egypt [found]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

People attestation(s) linked to this place attestation:

TM Ref 29120 Pyrros as Μακεδὼν
Stable URI (with TM Georef ID):
GeoRef information

Standardized name: Μακεδών

Geographic term: ethnicon

Construction: congruence

Semantics: origo

Bibliography: PP X, 2002, no. E1617

15 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
51126 3 [a] [ἐν Θωλ]θ̣ει U19 - Tholthis [Kato] (Talt) (TM Geo 2409) '(date), in Tholthis of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
51120 3 [b] τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτου νομοῦ U19 - Oxyrynchites (TM Geo 2722) '(date), in Tholthis of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
51124 4 Μακεδών Macedonia - Macedonia (TM Geo 1279) 'Pyrros Makedon'
119695 5 - 6 [a] [ἐν τῶι Ἑρμίου Μα]κεδόνος τριακον̣τα̣ρ̣ούρου κ̣λ̣ήρωι U19 - Hermiou Makedonos Kleros (TM Geo 9055) 'in the kleros of Hermias Makedon triakontarouros'; for the same person, cf. P. Frankf. 4, 7: 'Hermias Makedon triakontarouros klerouchos'
51118 5 - 6 [b] [Μα]κεδόνος Macedonia - Macedonia (TM Geo 1279) 'in the kleros of Hermias Makedon triakontarouros'; for the same person, cf. P. Frankf. 4, 7: 'Hermias Makedon triakontarouros klerouchos'
51122 5 [a] [Βαρκαιεῖ] τ̣ῆ̣ς̣ ἐ̣π̣ι̣γονῆς Cyrenaica - Barke (El-Merg) (TM Geo 402) 'Klados son of [ ] Barkaieus of the epigone'
51129 5 [b] Ὀξυρυγχίτηι U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (TM Geo 1524) 'Phamounis son of Paumis, Oxyrynchites, a shepherd'
51128 11 εἰς Θωλθιν U19 - Tholthis [Kato] (Talt) (TM Geo 2409)
51127 23 [a] ἐν Θωλθει U19 - Tholthis [Kato] (Talt) (TM Geo 2409) '(date), in Tholthis of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
51121 23 [b] τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτο̣υ νομοῦ U19 - Oxyrynchites (TM Geo 2722) '(date), in Tholthis of the Oxyrynchites nomos.'
51125 25 Μακεδών Macedonia - Macedonia (TM Geo 1279) 'Pyrros Makedon'
51123 25 - 26 [Βαρ]κ̣αιεῖ τῆς ἐπιγονῆς Cyrenaica - Barke (El-Merg) (TM Geo 402) 'Klados son of [ ] Barkaieus of the epigone'
51130 26 Ὀξυρυγχί̣[τηι] U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (TM Geo 1524) 'Phamounis son of Paumis, Oxyrynchites, a shepherd'
119696 27 [a] ἐ̣ν τῶι Ἑρμίου Μακεδόνος τριακονταρούρου κλήρω[ι] U19 - Hermiou Makedonos Kleros (TM Geo 9055) 'in the kleros of Hermias Makedon triakontarouros'
51119 27 [b] Μακεδόνος Macedonia - Macedonia (TM Geo 1279) 'in the kleros of Hermias Makedon triakontarouros'