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TM GeoRef 7520

"Φυ(λακιτικῆς) Νή(σου)"

= an attestation of TM Geo 1803 in TM 7515, col. 1, 11

oil monopoly

TM Geo: Egypt, 00c - Phylakitike Nesos

Source: P. Petrie 3 66 b

Date: BC 260 - 224
HGV: BC 299 - 200

Provenance: Gurob - Egypt [found]
Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) - Egypt [written]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Incompletely preserved

Stable URI (with TM Georef ID):
GeoRef information

Standardized name: Φυλακιτικὴ Νῆσος

Geographic term: nesos + attributive element

Construction: genitivus

Semantics: territory

Location: mentioned together with persons from [ ]; 00 P...ynis; 00b Euhemeria; 00b Theadelpheia; 00a Philadelpheia; 00a Karanis; 00c Berenikis Thesmophorou; 00c Psinteo; 00b Autodike; 00a Philadelpheia; 00c Phylakitike Nesos; 00d? Polis?; 00b Alexandrou Nesos

43 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
5338 col. 1, 2 Π̣...υνεως 00 - P...yneos (TM Geo 1532) oil monopoly
11518 col. 1, 3 Εὐη[μ]ερίας 00b - Euhemeria (Qasr el-Banat) (TM Geo 675) oil monopoly
11519 col. 1, 4 Θεαδελφείας 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) (TM Geo 2349) oil monopoly
7524 col. 1, 5 Φιλαδελφείας 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) (TM Geo 1760) oil monopoly
9625 col. 1, 6 Καρανίδος 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) (TM Geo 1008) oil monopoly
1302 col. 1, 7 Βερενικίδος Θεσμοφόρου 00c - Berenikis Thesmophorou (TM Geo 430) Taxes paid by Hephaistion, from Berenikis Thesmophorou - oil monopoly
7493 col. 1, 8 Ψιντεω 00c - Psinteo (TM Geo 1991) Herakleides of Psinteo: 42 dr. - oil monopoly
795 col. 1, 9 Αὐτοδίκης 00b - Autodike (TM Geo 383) for Autodike: Petosiris and Thermouthis 168 dr - oil monopoly
7523 col. 1, 10 Φιλαδελφεί(ας) 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) (TM Geo 1760) oil monopoly
7520 col. 1, 11 Φυ(λακιτικῆς) Νή(σου) 00c - Phylakitike Nesos (TM Geo 1803) oil monopoly
11520 col. 1, 12 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
11521 col. 1, 13 Ἀλεξάνδρου Νή(σου) 00b - Alexandrou Nesos (TM Geo 105) oil monopoly
3351 col. 2, 1 Λητοῦς πό(λεως) 00a - Letopolis (TM Geo 1244) oil monopoly
11522 col. 2, 2 Μεμφεως 00c - Memphis (TM Geo 1343) oil monopoly
3352 col. 2, 3 Κοιτῶν 00a - Onniton Koite (TM Geo 1503) oil monopoly
10293 col. 2, 4 Αὑηρεως 00a - Haueris (Hawara) (TM Geo 747) oil monopoly
11523 col. 2, 5 Πτολεμαίδος Ὅρμου 00a - Ptolemais Hormou (El-Lahun) (TM Geo 2024) 'Of Ptolemais Hormou: Pnepheros, 168'; oil monopoly
11524 col. 2, 6 Ὀξυρύγχων 00c - Oxyryncha (TM Geo 1523) oil monopoly: Petobastis son of Teos (259 dr.)
7521 col. 2, 7 Ψενυρεως 00a - Psenhyris (TM Geo 1957) oil monopoly
11525 col. 2, 8 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
3353 col. 2, 9 Κερκεσουχων 00a - Kerkesoucha (TM Geo 1067) oil monopoly
5339 col. 2, 10 Τεβετνου 00c - Tebetny (TM Geo 2284) oil monopoly
270 col. 2, 11 Πηλουσίου 00b - Pelousion (TM Geo 1661) Of Pelousion: Harachthes (pays taxes) 672 dr. - oil monopoly
11526 col. 2, 12 Ἀρσινόης χώ(ματος) 00b - Arsinoe epi tou zeugmatos (TM Geo 325) 'Of Arsinoe of (the) choma: Marres son of Phanesis (pays) 168 (dr.)'; oil tax, oil monopoly
11527 col. 3, 1 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
5340 col. 3, 2 Πτολεμαίδος Δρυμοῦ 00b - Ptolemais Drymou (TM Geo 2022) 'Of Ptolemais Drymou: Sokonopis and Marres, 14'; oil monopoly
5341 col. 3, 4 Σεβεννυτου 00a - Sebennytos (TM Geo 2103) oil monopoly
11528 col. 3, 5 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
3354 col. 3, 6 Μουχεως 00c - Mouchis (TM Geo 1396) Long account of taxes from individuals of various villages; oil monopoly
11529 col. 3, 7 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
7522 col. 3, 9 Ψιναχεως 00b - Psinachis (TM Geo 1984) oil monopoly
2083 col. 3, 12 Δικαίου Νή(σου) 00c - Dikaiou Nesos (TM Geo 557) Nektenibis sells oil in Dikaiou Nesos - oil monopoly
11530 col. 3, 13 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
271 col. 4, 1 Πηλουσίου 00b - Pelousion (TM Geo 1661) Of Pelousion: Harachthes (pays taxes) [ dr.] - oil monopoly
588 col. 4, 2 Ἀπόλλωνος πό(λεως) 00c - Apollonopolis (TM Geo 267) oil monopoly; payments received by royal bank at Krokodilopolis from elaiokapeloi (oil dealers) of various towns. Town names joined with names of the dealers. Amount paid by dealer at Apollonos does not survive.
5342 col. 4, 3 Σαμαρείας 00c - Samareia (TM Geo 2077) taxes paid to the royal bank by Leonides on behalf of Pyrrias and Theophilos, oil sellers from Samareia - oil monopoly
11531 col. 4, 5 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
11534 col. 4, 6 Πτολεμαίδος κώ(μης) 00b - Ptolemais Drymou (TM Geo 2022) 'Of Ptolemais (the) village: Manres ... 84'; oil monopoly
11532 col. 4, 7 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly
11535 col. 4, 10 Ἀλα[βαν]θίδος 00a - Alabanthis (TM Geo 97) oil monopoly
11536 col. 4, 11 Εὐημερίας 00b - Euhemeria (Qasr el-Banat) (TM Geo 675) oil monopoly
3355 col. 4, 12 Μαγδωλων 00c - Magdola (Medinet Nehas) (TM Geo 1284) Phanesis, son of Nekeubis, oil seller of Magdola - oil monopoly
11533 col. 4, 13 πό(λεως) 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (TM Geo 327) oil monopoly