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TM GeoRef 63917

"ταύ[τ]ην τὴν ... Θηβαίων χώραν"

= an attestation of TM Geo 2982 in TM 18419, 10

TM Geo: Egypt, U - Thebais

Related toponym: Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)

Source: P. Cairo Masp. 3 67279 Ro

Date: year 5 of Iustinus II: AD 569 Aug 29 - 570 Aug 28

Provenance: Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) - Egypt [written]
Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) - Egypt [found]

Language/script: Greek

Material: papyrus

Incompletely preserved

Stable URI (with TM Georef ID):
GeoRef information

Standardized name: ἡ ... Θηβαίων χώρα

Geographic term: chora + adj. gen. pl.

Construction: accusativus

Semantics: territory (object)

6 references to places in this text

TM GeoRef IDLineAttested namePlaceContext
63918 2 ἀπὸ Πο(υ)χεως τῆς κ̣ώμ(ης) ... U10a - Pouchis (TM Geo 6861) '... from Pouchis the village of the Antaiopolites nomos'
63914 3 τοῦ Ἀν̣τ[αι]οπολίτο(υ) νομοῦ U10a - Antaiopolites (TM Geo 3020) '... from Pouchis the village of the Antaiopolites nomos'
63917 10 ταύ[τ]ην τὴν ... Θηβαίων χώραν U - Thebais (TM Geo 2982)
63916 14 τῆς Ἀνταιοπολιτῶ[ν] U10a - Antaiopolis (Qaw el-Kebir) (TM Geo 188)
63919 Vo 2 [l. 29, 2] ἀπὸ Π̣ο̣υ̣̣[χεως κώμ(ης) ...] U10a - Pouchis (TM Geo 6861) '... from Pouchis (the) village of the Antaiopolites nomos'
63915 Vo 3 [l. 29, 3] [τοῦ Ἀνταιοπ(ολίτου) νομοῦ] U10a - Antaiopolites (TM Geo 3020) '... from Pouchis (the) village of the Antaiopolites nomos'