Entella Tablet IX

The Entella Tablet IX (TM 699038 ) is one of the so-called Entella Decrees, a series of bronze tablets with Greek texts in which the civil representatives of Entella publish decisions that were taken, often referring to isopoliteia - as here for the people of Enna in central Sicily. The events mentioned seem related to the repopulation of the city of Entella during the First Punic War, perhaps in 249 BC. There are good elements to assume that the tablets were all found together, although it is remarkable that one records a decree of Nakone, another settlement probably not too far away. The nine (or perhaps more?) tablets were found during illegal excavations in the 1970ies and were dispersed over private collections across the world. Four (of which one turned out to be fake) were recovered and brought back to the Museo Archeologico in Palermo, where they are now.

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